>could you please articulate your theory?
Theme park in the future where there are 'hosts' and guests.
Host are the robots.
They run on loops, same stuff daily.
Guests can do as they wish in the park and live out their fantasy.
Hosts are unable to kill guests.
Secretly, the peeps who own the park, are watching the guests and storing their lives.
Seasons play out with host becoming sentient and wanting freedom.
Last season just gone it was revealed the parks makers can infect and control humans like hosts.
Hosts then build a world with controlled humans, so the whole thing is effectively reversed.
'Billy' is a guest, and is remade as a host, several times. He's a central figure.
Billy knows it is basically all fucked.
Best line from last season 'Now we play by my rules, and i cranked it up to veteran difficulty'
Takeaway is the philosophical point of 'are we not all just like the original hosts, running our loops and routines, without question.
I think anon is saying there are 'hosts' and 'infected guests' IRL.
FWIW, It's decent well made show, worth the watch.
I think that nails it.
No spoliers, but there are some great twists in it.
Watch for Maeve. She is a fucking bad ass.
Top Kek!
Negroes fought for years to end segregation.
Decide to segregate themselves to fight 'white supremacy'
Breaking; A Kebab attacks hotel in Somalia.
No wait, scratch that.
Al-Shebab attack a hotel in Somalia.