FS ate toilet scum, scurrilous
Bags of shit waiting to be ripped from their homes in the dead of night and face a quick trial, decades of rape in prison or execution.
Stoopid, sorry pieces of shir.
FS ate toilet scum, scurrilous
Bags of shit waiting to be ripped from their homes in the dead of night and face a quick trial, decades of rape in prison or execution.
Stoopid, sorry pieces of shir.
Deepstate are toilet scum
I quit.
Take it easy, just take it easy.
Please embed
The pedopox will systematically expose and obliterate the Masonic network of buggery.
Seriously, itโs over.
Take a break, this flaccid game of checkers is lost.
Do something else, watch a movie, take a walk.
Tell your boss that you quit, had enough.
Is this really how you want to spend your time?
I mean, I do t give a shit, nobody does, do what you gotta do to pay for that condo in Virginia.
If this is what you wanna do, but man, what an stoopid and ugly way to make a living.
Tell me spaceman is alright
Some people build house, fix vehicles, buil bridges, fix roads, make life better for humanity, make a living helping people.
Some scumbags get paid to post on 8kun by elite pedophiles, Fibbies, clowns, mi-6, etc, they are the bane of humanity, true, broken filth without worth or cause of being.
Shillslaughter, a carnival of carnage, compromised vermin reduced to a steaming pile of meat.
Used as fodder by their depraved bosses. Framed by the ones they trusted, reduced to Dainty Moore beef stew combined with low quality, mid 90s building material.
What a way to go.
Terrified, vanquished, sweaty palms, furiously posting, posting for that Bobbyโs, that 2 bedroom by the pool, Northern Virginia, no art on the walls, no girl, nothing.
Nothing but the screen, just the screen,
Wanted to serve, wanted to make a difference, studied, studied hard, but it hurts inside.
Hurts bad.
To be in the wrong side, a villain, a villain who gets a check from those who hurt children.
Hurt children.
Hurt children.
Hurt children.
A check from those who hurt children.
Hurt children.
Hurt children.
A check from those who hurt children.
Hurt children.
Hurt children.