The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e Eric Duehring [Breb] Aug. 21, 2022, 6:13 a.m. No.17423041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Qanon affiliated social media influencer Eric Wolfgang Duehring has been relentlessly defaming and doxxing others online for months with pathological sincerity. The lies have amounted to insane levels of illegal behavior related to cyber bullying…..until today.


Eric Duehring has sexually harassed and abused countless women on and off social media all while dealing with a physical disability that has permanently impaired his ability to walk right.


Proof of Eric Wolfgang Duehring aka "The Breb Room" aka "Breb" aka "Brebmanfren" disability can be seen in the evidence provided in the attached files below. Eric Duehring suffers from severe erectile dysfunction as seen in the files attached and is on a vendetta to blackmail and attack anyone that doesn't agree with his psychopathic ideologies. Eric aka "Breb" is obviously attacking to compensate for his lack of ability to perform in the bedroom.


What is sad is that he has attempted to single handedly ruin the reputations of some prominent political influencers on social media. From instagram to twitter to truth social to the app called Telegram. It is safe to say that this man is completely unhinged and attacks others to boost his own morale/ego. His jealousy of others is crystal clear. He wants all the attention on him when it comes to conspiracies, politics, and this weird movement under Trump called "Qanon" which has been labeled a terrorist ideology by our own government after the January 6th attack on the Capitol of the United States of America.


Breb (Eric Duehring) haș also posted numerous racist and sexist comments to his own followers on social media, yet claims he's a "follower of Jesus Christ". When "Breb" gets attacked he hides behind Jesus and Christianity to come off as a "good person". His only support comes from the whacko and unhinged conspiracy theorist "Lin Wood". Lin Wood in itself is a psycho, let alone Eric who is even worse.


You have been exposed Eric. Time to apologize to those you hurt and to the family of the man you forced to almost take his own life. Time to repent for the sins you have been committing. Psychological help and rehab is needed for this man. That does not fly here in Australia nor anywhere in the world for that matter.

The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e Quite literally a drug addict/pill popper Aug. 21, 2022, 6:32 a.m. No.17423099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

its hilarious because this dude slams people hard for shit that doesn't even relate to them half the time, just what fits Breb's fucked up narrative and has called countless people retards when breb is in fact a fucking handicapped retard. from not being able to get his dick hard to not being able to even walk like a normal human being Breb aka Eric Duehring is physically and mentally handicapped. Amazing what is discovered about "tough guys" behind a keyboard.


look what I discovered this morning:


there's more…..literally GB of proof that Breb is not who he claims to be. including that he's a fake christian.


Can someone let Lin know, that @thebrebroom is a woman abusing, pill popping, shill who infiltrated the anon community only to follow the text book "Dyldo" routine … he follows a predictable pattern of attacking Boots on the Ground patriots such as Codemonkey Z Jim Watkins, Seth Keshel. The "hit" lists that Lin (and Wendy) post become the targets of the Fake Maga Shills. Do the research connect the dots. Obviously Lin is either a terrible researcher, or he is extremely deceitful. Be very wary of anyone who is still promoting the Brebroom or Lin Wood. Edit: 4doors did try to tell Lin in his comment channel but had his posts repeatedly deleted.

The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e OH SHIT The Breb Rooms' reputation just flew over my house! Aug. 21, 2022, 6:40 a.m. No.17423117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

imagine bragging about paying for pussy, claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ and then turning around and doing drugs, paying for hookers, assaulting women, and defaming everyone under the sun in the truther / Q movement and not stop to think someone may find out exactly who you are. Qarma's such a cunt ain't it Brebby boo boo.



The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e Aug. 21, 2022, 7:15 a.m. No.17423192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Breb îs a little rat that climbed into the ring with a lion, and I don't know how many times he needs to be absolutely smoked before he figures it out and puts a barrel in his mouth. You wanna shitpost and dox others? Us anons are about to fuck your entire life up with THE REAL TRUTH! THE WHOLE TRUTH! AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!

The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e Aug. 21, 2022, 7:18 a.m. No.17423197   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e Aug. 21, 2022, 7:19 a.m. No.17423202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh Breb…u autistic fuckin faggot ass retard. why don't you tell people that you suffer from Aspergers and still make fun of those who are mentally handicapped lmfao…..I'm dead rn KEK


wonder woman and many others are literally saying that you can't get your limp dick up to perform in the bedroom…hahahahahahaha

The Breb Room (Eric Duehring) ID: 1ed88e Eric Duehring [thebrebroom] proof of erectile dysfunction Aug. 21, 2022, 9:18 a.m. No.17423550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q channel on Telegram known as "wonderwoman" was the ex girlfriend of "thebrebroom" also known as "breb" who in real life is named Eric Duehring ousted breb for having erectile dysfunction and that he suffered from "limp dick syndrome"


let's get these text messages that were exchanged between these channels to further prove that "Breb" is a monster trying to compensate for his inability to have sex lmfao. I seen them somewhere…will come back to this thread if I can find them all. I am a woman and it's my duty to tackle men who treat women this way. Breb was abusive towards countless ex girlfriends even though he couldn't get his dick up.

thebrebroom exposed ID: 1ed88e exposing thebrebroom Aug. 21, 2022, 9:29 a.m. No.17423609   🗄️.is 🔗kun

and we can't forget his manic depressive goon buddy Anthony Graffanati who bragged to his Q followers about buying hookers, robbing and assaulting people including women and lost his gun rights because he's a section 8 nutcase who needs mental help.

Eric Duehring’s facebook attacks ID: 1ed88e Attacking women Aug. 21, 2022, 11:05 a.m. No.17423984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eric Duehring’s facebook posts via these attached screenshots attacking women & showing his true colors.

Eric Wolfgang Duehring ID: 1ed88e thebrebroom [breb] Aug. 24, 2022, 9 a.m. No.17436292   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mossad infiltrated Eric Wolfgang Duehring [thebrebroom] all because Eric couldn’t resist keeping his limp dick in his pants.


Lala and her friend were Mossad assets that wanted to use Breb to get to Lin Wood for god knows what reason. Breb didn’t see it because he was blinded by some fat ugly pussy dangling in his face.


Breb’s too stupid to notice since he just wanted a piece.

Eric Wolfgang Duehring ID: 1ed88e kangz, breb, Mossad, Graff Aug. 24, 2022, 9:50 a.m. No.17436495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We have pump these numbers up. Thank you to Nino for giving me a platform to give you real TRUTH with actual receipts. Have you noticed that Lin won't say a word about it? He can't. He desperately needs to keep his subs ignorant to maintain his control over them.


❓ Where are all the victims of Lin's wrath?


❓ Where are the people with huge followings that believed and propagated the lie that Lin couldn't have kept Kyle in jail?


❓ Where are the people with large followings that contributed and propagated the smear campaign against Kyle and me?


❓Are John and Amy the only Patriot influencers brave enough to stand up to the bully and liar, Lin Wood?


❓Are John and Amy the only influencers in the Patriot community with any integrity and honor?


‼️These influencers gave a huge platform to Lin to attack Kyle and me with lies. Will they give me a platform now that Lin has been proven to be a liar and a fraud?

➡️ Stew Peters

➡️ Ann Vandersteel

➡️ Joe Oltman

and many more…


This movement is finished if Patriot influencers continue to be such cowards that they turn a blind eye to the deceiver in Chief seeking to assassinate the character of literally every other other Patriot with disgusting lies.


I'm seeing soft, unprincipled Faketriots breathing sighs of relief when Lin shifts fire to a different Patriot, relishing in the relative peace of being outside the line of fire. I'm speaking specifically to the Patriots who themselves have been victimized by Lin and spent the better part of a year smearing Kyle (who's done more for causes that Patriots hold dear than any of you have) and me on behalf of a fraud, liar, and cheat.


Probably the most heinous of all is witnessing these "Patriots" allowing their chat rooms to slander and demean Kyle as a crisis actor, an attack against Kyle meant to minimize his experience and take away his voice.


A true test to determine if someone is a Patriot is whether or not they take a principled stand to defend a young man who actually stood in the GAP while many of you were bitching and moaning from the sidelines.


Get in the fight, stand on principle or go register Democrat, which you might as well do if you plan on staying home during the midterms.