Lindell just said over a million people have watched 'The Moment of Truth' Part One.
Brannon Howse [Moment of Truth]: Have our intelligence communities been involved in helping carry out color revolutions with voting machines, and now they've done it to us?
The Threat [Moment of Truth]: The exploitation of key supply chains by foreign adversaries, especially when executed in concert with cyber intrusions and insider threat activities, represents a complex and growing threat to strategically important U.S. economic sectors and critical infrastructure.
The Threat [Moment of Truth]: Foreign adversaries are attempting to access our nation's key supply chains at multiple points, from concept to design, manufacture, integration, deployment, and maintenance, by inserting malware into important information technology networks and communication systems.
The Threat [Moment of Truth]: The increasing reliance on foreign-owned or controlled hardware, software, or services, as well as the proliferation of networking technologies, including those associated with the Internet of Things, creates vulnerabilities in out nation's supply chains.
The Threat [Moment of Truth]: By exploiting these vulnerabilities, foreign adversaries could compromise the integrity, trustworthiness, and authenticity of products and services that underpin government and American industry, or even subvert and disrupt critical networks and systems, operations, products, and weapons platforms in time of crisis.
[National Counterintelligence and Security Center, 2020]
Companies involved in [fraudulently] certifying election machines [Moment of Truth]:
-SLI Compliance
-Pro V&V