G. Edward Griffin: DS, The Lost In Space Totalitarian Hypocrisy
G. Edward Griffin: DS, The Lost In Space Totalitarian Hypocrisy
Too late.
He should have played the lawyer card first. Instead he came off looking weak, so she bullied him.
That's the thing about the ghetto makers. They are going to crash Mockingbird until Bribem bails it out. Then it's an insider racket and you can't play.
Textbook racketeering, conspiracy and fraud. The 66 gorillion dead babies is just the front.
He had a chance to shoot/ He didn't take it. Why not? Did they know each other? There is more to this story. The white truck was involved.
Take the lesson.
All those masks + monkey pox = manmade plague conditions
Clear your cache.
Brave and Opera browsers have built in VPN. Their buffering will either help yours or make it worse. Try it.
Try using your phone as a wireless hub.
Check Starlink . com They are supporting rural first.
Ignore them and they die. Or give you legal grounds to kill them. Either will do.
Replace all the high school faggot and biggotry brainwashing with 2 years of service. Then get rid of 2/3 the misused services and everybody is in the reserves.
For the same reason most people don't do the right thing the first time.
Pain is the least common denominator.
Private browser might slow you down. It isn't private to your ISP, just to any other users of your computer. If you aren't doing crimes cache is your friend. There is no security. If they don't already have it they will crack it in 5 years or less; which is why they are saving everything @ Solar Wind. Treat the internet like The Corporation's business network and you don't have to worry.
The laws are there to make you aware of all the things criminals will do to you, if they can. Did the C_A ever respect the law? Don't expect the mob or their government puppets to, either. If the mob didn't work for governments and churches they would be no more.
He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread until the pharisees come around looking for donations, in the Emperor's name.
The US Patent Orifice is a scam.
Before the Fed the US legal code fit into 1 volume and the tax code was 1 page.