Anonymous ID: 78b545 Aug. 21, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.17424679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As you are moving through your ascension journey, you will encounter critical mile markers that will be important decision points.


When you are experiencing these choice points, one option will delay your ascension and one will accelerate your ascension.


There is no right or wrong decision.


Only a longer path or a shorter path to ascension.


These choice points will test your integrity and commitment to your spiritual path.


You might encounter them with your spouse, family members, work and so on.


Your decision might depend on your order of priorities.


If you wish to accelerate your spiritual attainment, then the order of priorities is as follows:


God first, then people, then money.


That means, when you love God and your I AM Presence of God first, as well as the spiritual principles of ascension, then the people around you will follow (or at least respect it) or make way for people who are more aligned with your priorities.


When this alignment is strong, then all good things will enter your life, such as abundance, health, success and the fulfilment of the Divine Plan.


So, when you are at one of these choice points, we recommend to look up to your I AM Presence of God first, before considering the different aspects of the decision.


Once you have received an inner knowing and guidance from your


I AM Presence of God; you will see that all will come into perfect alignment.


Just continue to connect with your I AM Presence of God and hold steadfast to this guidance.


Trust, that whatever happens then, is for the Highest Good.


You will be amazed how wonderful your life and spiritual journey will turn out.


Dear Ones, if you are serious about ascending in this lifetime, this commitment to your I AM Presence of God is required.


Know that God and your I AM Presence of God has unlimited love for you and will always guide you perfectly.


We champion your victory in the Light!


Welcome Home!


We send you all so much love…


You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.


Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.


Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey, and you are loved beyond measure – always.

Anonymous ID: 78b545 Aug. 21, 2022, 3:13 p.m. No.17424695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Being awake is to know yourselves as One with Source constantly, and without any possibility of interruption. Needless to say it is a state of supreme joy in which there are no needs of any kind, and in which your magnificent creative abilities are fully engaged in adding to the joyous harmony that is ALL. All is All, and It is infinite perfection in every aspect of Itself as It shares and extends Itself with All, with ITSELF, and that is who You are! Yes, You are One, and individual, which provides the perfect way to engage with and interact with Love, your nature of Oneness and All. Words just cannot possibly express what I am attempting to express here, but when you awaken all will be absolutely crystal clear, only infinitely brighter and brilliant – the Light that is Love, that is God, that is You. It is quite impossible for you to conceive of this state of being while you choose to remain in form – which is a choice you made – and you can and will reverse it.


As you all continue to flow through the awakening process you are becoming increasingly aware – of course! – and your awareness, which in truth is infinitely vast, is beginning to see more and more Love in the world around you, as you allow yourselves to open to it. That awareness has always been with you because it is you, it is consciousness.


However, while experiencing life in unreality you have chosen to enormously limit your full awareness by focusing on only the details of the state that you experience through your human form – individual pieces of the seemingly vast jigsaw puzzle that life in form appears to be – and which you each personally extract from that state and identify with. Doing so confirms for you your belief that you are all separate from one another, and confirms for you the almost constant underlying sense that by being alone you are in danger from those others. Having experienced trauma in infancy and childhood, as you all have, although often not intended, this belief is very deeply ingrained within your human psyche. This why you lack trust in, and have doubts about the authenticity of M/F/G’s infinite and eternal Love for you.


The way forward from these doubts is to go within and invite and allow the Love in which you are enveloped to embrace you fully so that you can sense and feel It. Then your doubts will ease and fade as you truly feel the Love – Reality. It will be only a temporary sensation because everything that you experience through your human forms is temporary – this too will pass! However, the memory of it will remain within you and accessible in every moment, easing your doubts and strengthening your faith in God’s Love for you.


That memory of your momentary experience of Reality will empower you to renew your trust that all is well, that your awakening is coming to fruition, and will assist you in accessing your own deep inner knowing that you truly are One with Source, always and forever. You will no longer buy into the insanity of believing otherwise, because your knowing of Reality will be with you as a constant reminder that Love is All, and is infinite Wisdom and full acceptance of Itself as expressed through you. You are One eternally with Love, and so it is your divine right to love, honor, and respect yourself at all times. Not to do so is to dishonor God’s divine creation as you experience it in human form. Simply because you are playing an imaginary game, living an illusory dream, nothing of who you truly are can change, it is just that your free will choice permits you to imagine yourself as an unworthy sinner – something else, something other, that is unreal and has never existed.


As you have been told so often by human mystics, and by those who converse with you from the non physical realms, sin, judgment, shame, and punishment are totally unreal, just like the unreal environment you experience while choosing to experience life in form as a human.


God IS Love. Love IS unconditional. Love is All that exists, and within that state – there is no other state, place, or environment of any kind – All is in perfect divine alignment. Anything that is not in complete alignment with Love is unreal, could not, does not, and never has existed.


Mother/Fatherr/God is Love, You are Love, and your glorious awakening is divinely assured and guaranteed. Therefore rejoice, because All is eternally well.


Your loving brother, Jesus.