> Person of Color House
Housing Ccomplexes for the Students of white Privilege, Berkeley Student Cooperative System University of California, Berkeley
I've been called a Jew, does that mean I might be a gay nigger shill and should seek immediate professional help?
>Female Hysteria: When Victorian Doctors Used to Finger Their Patients
>In the Victorian Era – specifically 1837 to 1901 – doctors treated woman by genital stimulation to induce “hysterical paroxysm” or an orgasm. This hysteria was supposed to be a build-up of fluid in the woman’s womb and doctors assumed that since men ejaculated and felt better then it stood to reason.
they didn't "finger", they used baton like instruments to give vigorous to and fro internal massage to the womb … hysteria word refers to womb
-knock knock
-who's there?
-Q who? what is coming?
nothing … nothing can stop what's coming …. nothing
anon reckons it makes it look like some kind of a bloody wonderland
>Village People were faggots. We use that term. POTUS plays that song. TOP KEK!
trump playing the classic homo disco anthem is a COMM to the 8kun faggots?