"FBI Open up"
All that drama to "get there" imagine building it.
I been fighting since 2004 HAVA ACT.
(that's when the machines first came two decades ago, also by 2006 the green new deal scam/hoax/genocide started for me. I didn't realize the democrats had genocide as their goal back then.)
Revisit blackboxvoting . org
My conclustion in 2006 was, it won't get fixed by keeping these electronic vote tabulaton devices all of them have a broken chain of custody since human eyes can not follow the digital electronic representation of a ballot without specialized electronic devices (further which themselves can't be validated.)
But even if you do this. in 2022 I come to the conclusion it won't be enough. No the problem is the people doing the national security background checks have commit treason. They allowed commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud to get on ballots get security clearances and hold offices, appointments and contract for America. They give them equal voice when it would destroy the 1st amendment itself.
The problem isn't the election getting stolen, it's the fact there is commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud as a CHOICE on the ballot for a enemy of America in the first place.
It's treason because they tried to kill us with mRNA, they did kill us with CARTELS, OPEN BORDERS, Transnational terrorist s BLM/ANTIFA (antifa.com goes to whitehouse.gov), now thanks to JIHAD.
They gave away weapons secrets to the enemy while letting men get killed. TREASON.
so it's not surprising to me that Konnech is another place they outsource to ccp.
So I am saying FORGET about the election and focus on WHO is on the BALLOT before it's too god damn late!
How many of you when imitating his voice get a cackle in your throat.
Man my cackle burned for couple hours of pain.. something came loose and I felt like I waterboarded myself.
Also, if your keyboard ain't waterproof.
Another reason for another Mark Dice 1776 shirt.
If it wasn't for Mark Dice, you would never heard of Brian Stelter
Not attacking you, but..
Can you name three things Deagel based predictions came from? I can't. (humble no ego here)
Nobody can't truly predict the future.
And the future can't touch you right Now.
so don't take a loan mortage out of tomorrow to fuck up today.
the flat all seeing rubix theory, is legit theory too!
peace. the jab certainly's gona do some level of genocide, I agree there, the nuclear war thing, again, again I go back to not taking a mortage out, cause really I don't controll the red button, I can repeat wisdom of Lavrov but at the end of the day, all I can do is put a clown nose on Zelenskii
zalenskyy (even)
patriot act
smith mundt modernization Act
10th Amendment
noted / great archive save sleuthing.
I don't personally put any high expectations into deagle.
I have no comment beyond what I said earlier. I suppose if people want to walk around in deagle prediction fear it's their choice, but I choose not to.
I do see continued fallout (literally dropping another one down - follow tommy robinson / Wayne allen root) from the current mRNA terrorist attack. But not at deagle levels.
anyway. like I said, peace.
it's a systemic treason emergency
That's Perfect!
The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc.
CIA ukraine genocide donbas 2014-present
IMF - not in my land but … they are bound to the WHO now.
UN - they got the systemic racism narrative, they want to replace our cops with bioweapons guys.
USG - no confidence full spectrum too much to list
maybe this is why my intuition says no to deagle.
it's my opinion – not yours.
biden's vote cheat
State Department screwed the pooch on national security background check of candidates. A man that should not be on the ballot is a man that would lead America to globalist communist ruin
Rense is Great . For many years.
Deagle though . .
Governor Newsom, the mRNA Jab is multinational conspiracy, propaganda, terrorism, theft, genocide and treason you had better VETO SB 866, SB 1419, SB 1479, AB 1797 and AB 2098.
and yet Everyone doesn't do it.
But you are an expert in QAnon with a Headquarters based in /dev/null I mean, it doesn't get much better, what are the poor people doin ya think?
and thus another pest was removed from the garden of freedom.
but you typed so much.
(in a little wimpy mark dice voiceover of brian stelter)
Somebody do something!
america needs cnn to be strong
the free world needs cnn strong
and it will continue to be
the free world needs a reliable source
Somebody do something!
I'm brian stelter and I have to go now
September 2019 leak evidence everywhere you look.
I don't know what it says so I present it as is.
but I will add
free hong kong
free taiwan
free china
fuck ccp
"Strong" Inter-Stelter orbital drift
teachers and skateboarders of technology
people watchin under the pine trees
george webb plays with us for a few days
jokes, music, cake, smoke blown in your face, even delicious cool-aid was served.
back then he told us of lockheed, at&t, mitsubishi motorola and iridium. the skateboard master told a last joke about escargo and the end of the world while hashing out the art of complex simultanous equations, 30 years and 42 books later look at him go. We were the lucky skateboarders of technology.
I think America should steal the word BOLLOCKS from the UK.
Biden is calling a lid. Bollocks
Press Sec says economy is fine. Bollocks
Transportation sec isn't a malta sleeper cell financial terrorist. Bollocks
Milley isn't with the ccp. Bollocks
Lloyd Austin said the mRNA bioweapon was safe and effective. Bollocks Bollocks Bolloks
Fauci Bollocks
the CDC sez
Fauci sez
Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks
08-20-2022 (George Webb substack)
What's In Trump's Top Secret "President Of France" Box From Mar-A-Lago?
I am fred
I am fred
I am Fred
I can't see Twitter.
I Have monkey pox, donkey pox, covaids and aids