I've discovered a new virus, I name it honesty.
You can vaxx yourself w/ bull shit lies.
I've discovered a new virus, I name it honesty.
You can vaxx yourself w/ bull shit lies.
Did you buy it a place, where you'll stay forever?
Or you'll like up in flames, down in smoke?????
Swallow in Morse code.
What If I tell you that if they let me fly I'll need to construct another ammunition fabric.
High intelligence detected.
I live w/ so many interdimensional beings that you can't fucking imagine………..
q it is a traitor.
high sheet clerance, and nothing, let me tell you something else……………..
q+ refused JFK files……………………
but there's moar, "convince them" to take the vaxx, so you die, in 2,3 moar weeks. suck my dick.
You racist or something?????
I'm here b/c of q, you have no fucking idea about things………..
yet, here for 6 years, sucking pain that ……..will make you kill yourself in 2 days………… so, you fucking piece of shit, shut the fuck up!
That's too old, go find some girls in the laptop………..
I really don't know if that it is real or not.
What I can tell you, it is that you'll never believe it.
So, let's keep it this way, I live w/ them, all day long.