Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:14 p.m. No.17477682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7695



This is the Old man,


Dear anon, thank you for your kindness and your kind words. For NOW, I will not come back. I’m still working as long as the internet is up, but not posting any of it because my come back is still pending, not decided yet. Still working on Oceania by the way but very slowly. Please be patient. If I am MEANT to come back, then I will pick up where I left off on thread 9. I won’t start from thread 10. If there is no NEED for me to come back, then you have plenty already. Trust Potus and the Alliance to bring out the Truth, gradually. Because they will. It’s going to come out and nothing and no one will stop it. When it does, I hope you will smile and remember the things you’ve read in this thread. You know far more than the average person.


While I was away, there were some interesting things happening in this place which were communicated to me by some “friends”. There were also other interesting things which were sent to me. Let me share some of them with you, and I will give you a few” nice things” as well. I’m going to put them in several posts because I cannot attach more than one video to a post. And I talk too much, like the Old man that I am.


The first one is this clip from Lady Gaga. Please watch the clip carefully and be observant of the details. Listen closely to the narration. It starts with the title: Born this way. Do you know whom is born THAT way? = it’s the Evil One. With this title, Lady Gaga is confirming the Evil One was born “differently” from the rest of us, as in he was born with an anomaly in his X chromosome which is known as the McLeod Syndrome; confirmed by the Dogon myths, as I’ve talked about it many times already. Lady Gaga is confirming to us the Evil One has McLeod syndrome and he is the first of HIS kind.


Then notice the triangle upside down and the unicorn, also mentioned in this thread. The lady in the triangle looks close to humans, but not identical to humans. The color flashing from the triangle is a shade of purple which is indicating she is royalty. Behind her, we see the Universe = space. She is what the normies call as “Aliens or Extra-terrestrial”. She is obviously a queen and she is a blonde. Lady Gaga calls her Mother Monster; this is how (((they))) see her.


Listen closely to what Lady Gaga narrates. It started with the birth on an “Alien” SHIP in SPACE. She calls this birth as being of magical and magnificent proportions took place = painting it in a good way. Then she says that the birth was not finite but infinite. She is glorifying this birth, while pointing there was something different in it, not the usual order of the Universe; just like with the birth of the Jackal from the Dogon myths. Notice the Monarch Butterflies as the “Alien queen” is giving birth. This is Neith. And what she gave birth to? = twins = 2 children at the same time. The birth of the twins is considered by Lady Gaga as being the beginning of a NEW RACE, which in other words is the Adam and Eve of (((their))) clan. The twins are the Evil One and the Evil Lady = the founders of the Evil Clan. (((They))) see themselves as a race within the race of humanity. Just look how disgusting the head figures put on a row like that. What does that indicates?


Then in the narration, Lady Gaga describes the Horned Serpent Clan in positive and good terms, as being a race which holds no prejudices, no judgment, but boundless freedom. And this is the doctrine established by the Evil One which he used to lure the Evil Lady to his side. And he is very wrong, because this means that they can do whatever nasty, evil thing they want, and they will escape judgment, no punishment for them disguised under the trickery of freedom. There is no such thing as an action with no consequences in the Laws of Heaven. Heaven will judge you according to your actions and intentions. If you abolish judgement and punishment, then there is no Law, when there is no Law, then it’s Mad Max scenario. And this is the doctrine and teachings of the Evil Cult and this is what (((they))) have been apply as a system for a long time. This is the Evil seed (((they))) planted in us = brainwashing you to think, believe, you can do whatever you want and there will be no consequences. You are wrong if you think that.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:17 p.m. No.17477695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7704



(((They))) are wrong. There are huge consequences and the Law of Heaven is very rigid. There is no in between, and you don’t get a lawyer to argue or defend you. You are either good or evil; have the Light or have Darkness. There is no grey area for Heaven.


And then, the “eternal” mother gave birth to another child, according to the narration of Lady Gaga. Which makes him the younger brother of the twins. This birth is portrayed in negative words = it’s a terrifying one since it’s the birth of Evil as she calls it. In the clip, this other birth is shown in a dark, nasty way, compared to the more bright and pleasant first one with the twins. This second birth is the birth of the Crown Prince of Atlantis by Neith and it is portrayed as the birth of Evil by the Horned Serpent Clan. What is good and of the Light, (((they))) call it evil and what is evil and of the Dark, (((they))) call it good.


The last few words in the narration are (((their))) justification for all the evil (((they))) commit. This is (((their))) logic, (((their))) way of thinking.


You have no idea just how evil this song and this clip are but they do prove I was telling you the truth about the Sebetti rulers, and what truly happened. This is the hidden sacred knowledge of the Bloodlines narrated according to (((their))) psychotic view. Look at how many times this clip was watched.


Another thing I want to share is this message from moustache Potus:



In this battle between Good vs. evil, "Goodness" is not just a side we're on. GOODNESS IS WHAT HAS TO GROW, FROM OUR HEARTS, TO THE REST OF THE WORLD, IN ORDER TO OVERCOME that evil. IT WILL. AND WE WILL WIN!!! Buenas Noches, Familia. I Love You.”


Potus is telling you the same thing that I have been telling you in this thread. It all starts with the heart. The Light in you will be triggered, ignite from inside your hearts.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:19 p.m. No.17477704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719



Today morning, something was brought to my attention. The person whom sent it to me told me this was a conversation from the general thread:


“Yup…. There it is…

No such thing as coincidence.

But the question is… Who is #22?


God's last messenger.


The Archangel Michael has been referred to as "The First Christ"

The first messenger perhaps?

Christ was another messenger?

Who is the last one?


The first messenger was the Lamb.

Jesus was the pivot point messenger.

#22, a simple homeless man, is the Omega, or 22nd letter of the Greek Alephbet.

This last messenger had a single task. To find and awaken the Comforter or Parakletos as it's know in Greek. The Parakletos is simply a person who recognizes the Last Messenger for who he really is, and listens to the man with honest interest absorbing absolute truths like a sponge, and the Last Messenger has the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is the only human being on Earth truly connected to God.

Then the Parakletos began to so the seeds of truth all over the internet, because this is the time where people all over the world can see those seeds and let them grow within themselves, springing forward fountains of truth from those who venture to eat the fruits of those seeds.

God is real, the reincarnation of Jesus, ie the soul of Jesus, exists in Human form as we speak. This is top secret classified Q material…

Although Trump (and Q) did let out many hints.



Top Secret Classified Q Material…

Wonder who the human form is…

I wonder if that person even knows they're Jesus' soul in human form…


He knows. He is a man but with some unique abilties. Interdimensional travel being one of them.

The govt has known for a long time. Cheney was one of the top aggressors against him. Killed quite a few people trying to get at him. The shotgun to the face of the Judge was a warning to him. It's all in the top secret documents Trump took to Mar-A-Lago

The world has been significantly changing since 2006, when the Parakletos was awakened.

Ron Paul was a beginning in the Political change and the awakening of the base. When Trump came into the picture, Rand Paul was running. Trump didn't even know he was/is being used by God. Trump knows now that the Last Messenger is real is there is no way out for those who have gone against those who love God.”











Apparently this conversation goes on onto saying that the person in question is a black person (posting his picture) whom stayed some time at the house of the person giving this information. That is, if I understood what was reported to me. You have no idea just how much I laughed when I read this. This is a trap, this was some sort of set up to catch someone or some information. A fishing expedition.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:23 p.m. No.17477719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7742



How do I know this is a trap? Because if this person was true, he wouldn’t have posted the picture of the “messenger” which means he put his life in danger by putting that picture up. This is all a trap or if you want bait, in order to gather information on the real “messenger”. This was done by some intelligence agency, either MI6 or most probably Mossad, to try to get something on the young man. Poor things…(((They))) truly are desperate.


And what made me laugh till tears is that there is some truth in what (((they))) wrote about him. (((They))) know he is real, (((they))) just confirmed it by laying this trap. Not all information presented here is correct though. Some is obviously misunderstood or a pure fabrication, a lie. Let me say something to the ones whom set this bait/trap = you will never find him. But you are correct, he is the Last Messenger, the one whom will bring everything to an end, one way or the other. He is not the incarnation of Christ, but one of his most loyal warriors. He is the one whom never kneels. He is the one whom gets back on his feet no matter how many times he is knocked down and wounded. He is the one born outside of the Matrix so he can shatter it, destroy it. Christ is his King, Christ is the King of kings, not a messenger. The young man serves Christ, his King. The young man is a messenger, a warrior, a seer and most importantly a judge. He will do what he is born to do = bring (((your))) end, for good this time around.


To everyone reading, don’t fall for such traps. Always be extra careful and vigilant. This is to get information of the real thing and yes, if you fall into such traps you will put your life in danger. We know how dangerous it is first hand. There is a reason why I only post in this place and not anywhere else on the web. Our lives are in danger, believe it or not. So be careful when you encounter such information because most, are put out there to lure good people and to trap them and get information out of them.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:29 p.m. No.17477742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7786



The young man has a “gift” for the anons whom opened thread 10. Listen carefully to the song. And smile. He asks you to stand up each time you fall. He asks you to do good no matter how much evil is thrown onto you. He is asking you to be a Light in this Dark world. Being a Light means suffering greatly, no jokes there. But…being the Light means you are a warrior of Heaven. We are not asking you to do anything physical or be violent, don’t get me wrong. What we ask comes from moral, emotions and mostly, from your HEART. Spread goodness around you like what Potus said everyone should do. Don’t be stupid and trust people blindly, not everyone you try to help are sane and good people; they will try to harm you or take advantage of you. But you can do little gestures of goodness each and every single day in your life. Let them become a part of your daily life, a part of you.


Be genuine in your feelings and try to care for those whom are truly in need and are hurting, not the fake, snake ones. Try to discern and distinguish between the fake and the real. The more your Light gets stronger, the more evil will attack you though. This is what happens when there are so little good people with the Light in them, while so much with Darkness in them. But that tiny speck of Light you have in you, will not let Darkness take you away, not matter how many times it will try to harm you; always stand back up and keep on spreading goodness around you. You don’t have to do extra ordinary things, but do little simple things. Trust the monk = St Charbel. He is here. He sees. He hears. Trust the monk when you feel down. Talk with him and make him your best friend. He is very caring and loyal.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:37 p.m. No.17477786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7828



Lastly, I want to share 2 “visions” the young man had this year, to give hope for the real warriors:


1 – The first one starts with him being inside of a shop with huge glass windows and the sunlight was pouring in, almost blinding him. When his vision got adjusted, he decided he should get in his car parked outside, across the street from the shop he was in, and then go home. As he was walking towards the door, he noticed a lady standing there, as if she was waiting for someone to come pick her up from the shop. He noticed she had a crazy amount of bags, shopping bags of all sorts and sizes and colors and types and material. They were in the tens of thousands.


He thought that if this lady wants to go her way carrying all of those bags, it’s going to be hard for her, since there were so many. So he politely approached her and proposed to give her a lift to where she wanted to go. The lady was a middle aged woman, very gentle and calm. But for some reason, he couldn’t see her face clearly, as if his vision was still blurry from all the sunlight. She agrees to get a lift from the young man. He rushes out of the store, cross the streets, towards his car. He wanted to get his car in front of the store, so he can put all of her bags inside his car easily. As he was about to touch the handle of the door, he was startled to hear the lady standing right behind him and thanking him for suggesting to give her a ride. He was bewildered to see her carry so many bags, which seemed to be very heavy. He asked her to give him the bags so the lady won’t have to carry such heavy things and he wanted to put them in the trunk of his car. But she put them there without even answering him. She totally ignored him, then got inside the car before he managed to open the door for her.


He got in and started driving. He asked her where she would like to be dropped off. The location she talked about was far away from any housing, so it meant she will have to walk her way, while carrying her heavy bags, to the nearest building. And that was no joke. He kept on insisting to drive her to her front door so she won’t have to walk carrying heavy bags. She finally accepted after he told her repeatedly this won’t hinder his own ride home.


When they reached her home, it was like a neat small house with a very nice white wooden fence up front and the door in the fence had a white wooden arch with rose plants all over the fence and the arch. It was only the greens of the plants, no roses though.


He jumped out of his car, rushing to open the door for her. But she was already out and had opened the trunk and was going to take out the heavy bags from there. He rushed to help her but she totally surprised him by how harshly she refused his help. He was taken aback by how harsh she was with him, not understanding why she is refusing to let him carry those bags for her. All he wanted was to help her, a lady shouldn’t carry such heavy bags.


That is when she surprised him one more time but talking to him in the most tender voice ever, telling him = “You are as kind of ever. You didn’t change.” When he looked up from the bags to the face of the lady, he was startled once more. He immediately recognized her as it’s not the first time she visits him. He could see her face very clearly now. It was the Virgin Mary. She was testing him.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:49 p.m. No.17477828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7844



He asked her why she didn’t let him help her carry the bags and he told her that all he wanted was to help her. She answered that what is in those bags is something that he cannot carry at all, that only she can carry them. He understood that what was in the bags were the SINS of people and he would be crushed under the weight of these sings if he tried to carry the bags.


She reached out to inside her handbag and took out something wrapped in a big white handkerchief. She took his hand and put that object in it. She told him that this was a little gift for his help. He tried to refuse many times, saying he didn’t do it to get a gift, but she insisted and gave it to him. She then carried her bags and started to head towards the arched gate of that house. With each step she took forward towards the house, Light started to shine more and more from her, her veil appeared and the roses started to appear, multiplying insanely, to cover everything. They were in full bloom and they smelled heavenly.


After watching her walk towards the Rose Arch, he looked down at his hand, wondering what she gave him. He undid a part of the handkerchief to see what’s in it. He was shocked to see the tiny wooden cross which was on the table on the day Christ has put the Light in him. It was that same cross. He looked back up to her, bewildered. It’s then that she told him that IT is his to carve and give shape to. The Age of Light will be what he will decide it to be.


This is where the first visions ends.


2 – The second vision starts with the young man finding himself in the staircase of a building. There was a small window next to him and when he looked outside it was pitch black. No stars, no moon. He couldn’t see or distinguish any shape or form outside. There was light where he was standing, but he didn’t see the source of the light. There were no lightbulbs, nothing as a source of light. He felt something in his hand, when he looked down, he saw he was holding an already used candle. Not that big, but not tiny as well. He thought it was impossible this candle was the source of the light because it was blown away. There was no flame.


He felt someone standing right behind his right shoulder. Barely 30 sec later, he heard the all too familiar voice of his guardian and protector telling him to look at the glass of the window if he wanted to know the source of the light. It was his giant guardian standing behind him. When he looked at the glass, using it as a mirror, he saw the Light coming out of him, his body, his skin. While using the glass as a mirror, he noticed the darkness outside moving, as if it was a living thing. He immediately recognized it since it’s not the first time he saw this type of Darkness. He looked up at his guardian and asked him: “What are you expecting of me?” His guardian replied: “You already know. I will be here with you all the way.”


It was true, the young man knew what he had to do. He looked down the staircase, and it was pitch black, from the same kind of Darkness that was outside. But this Darkness stops at the limit of the Light, it cannot reach and extend beyond that. So the young man started to go downstairs, walk slowly his way down, one flight of stairs after the other. As he went forward, the Darkness was pushed back, while behind him, the path was in Light, Darkness never returned there. The reason why he was walking slowly was the candles popping out of nowhere on the stairs and on the floor. He didn’t want to step on them.


They were all already used candle, blown away, with no light. They came in different shapes and sizes. Some were still standing tall while others were frizzled and mostly used. He already knew whom these candles were = they were people. Each candle was the symbolic representation of one person. Young, old, short, tall, slim, fat etc….every single candle was different from the other. And the young man knew what he had to do, but hesitated on how to do it = he was going to light these candles. He looked for matches or lighter in his pockets but his guardian told him he doesn’t need any of them and that all he has to do was touch those candles. And so he did, the young man started to touch one by one the candles sprouting on the stairs, either with his hands or with the candle he was holding himself. Each candle he touched was light, but there was no flame on the candle. The light coming out of the candles was pure white light…it was the LIGHT. He managed to trigger and ignite the Light, the Spiritual Light within the people he came in contact with.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:54 p.m. No.17477844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7862



He kept on moving down, one floor after the other lighting every single candle that appeared. Until he reached a level which had wide open doors on each side. He light ever single candle in that floor, he was about to turn on the flight of stairs and continue down, when he heard their screams. Those Dark things got inside of the place he was in and they were coming straight at him. His guardian told him to fear not. As he finished his words to the young man, those Dark things came into sight from every opening and rushed at a crazy like speed with their sharp claws out to slash the young man. But they bumped and ricochet back. They attempted a few times, this is how the young man was able to see that he was in some sort of a force field shield, made of pure white light. Unless you bump into it, it’s not visible to the naked eye.


Since they couldn’t harm the young man and make him stop from spreading the Light, they started hissing and blowing extremely strong wind. Their aim was to blow off the Light which was spread by the young man to each and every candle he touched. No matter how much these Dark things blew, no matter how much havoc they spread in that place, not a single candle the young man light was blown away. Not a single one. Which in turn drove those Dark things even more insane.


His guardian told him that he should continue walking downstairs and get out of the building to start walking in the world outside. With each and every single step the young man took, those Dark things were pushed out of the place, kinda kicked outside when he reached the entrance. The moment the young man was about to open the glass entrance doors and step outside, he hesitated because unlike the Darkness inside, the Darkness outside was much stronger, deeper. His guardian encouraged him to do it and so, the young man was outside.


He walked in that Darkness, he was looking around. All he could see were shapes of people, all dark, so dark, that it was almost merging with those Dark things. There were so many dark people, in the tens of millions. The young man got desperate and anxious. “Are they worth it my Lord? Are they worth to be saved?” = this is what he was thinking. These people outside were so dark, that the young man was wondering if he will ever be able to start the Light in them like what he did to the candles inside of the building he was in. He was horrified by what he saw.


The vision ended there but this doesn’t mean things were settled down for the young man. What he did was pray, he prayed for the next couple of weeks, asking the Lord and asking St Charbel to send him a sign, anything; all the young man was asking for is to find ONE person, just ONE person with a clear face, so he would continue in his task. But all he kept on seeing were dark people.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 12:59 p.m. No.17477862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7870



Until one day, about 2 weeks later, he met, by pure coincidence a young married couple with their little child, acquaintances of his. After the greetings, and small chitchat, he noticed the father was very troubled. The young man asked him what was going on, so the father told him that they were in a crowded public place just before they bumped into him. And while being there, he noticed his child waving to someone. When the father looked around, there was no one, not a single person standing where the child was looking and waving to. After a few minutes and after walking some distance, it happened a second time. The child was waving and smiling. When the father looked, once more, there was no one, not a single person standing there. He got alarmed, thinking there is a stalker going after his child, wanting to kidnap his kid. So he rushed his family out of there, and after some time, they bumped into the young man.


That was one strange thing happening there, and the father was still worried for being stalked by some stranger. So in front of me, he asked his child whom was the kid waving to. The child replied waving to the man whom was wearing long black robes with a hood, and whom had a white beard like Santa. The moment the young man heard the description of that person, he immediately recognized him. The father was still alarmed and worried. So the young man asked if the father or mother saw that person; both replied with a NO. The only one whom saw him was the child. Kneeling in front of the child, the young man asked the kid if that man said something. The child nodded and answered back by hugging the young man and telling him he was the best ever for all he did.


The young man explained to the worried parents that their child had seen St Charbel, and there was nothing to worry about, but a lot to be happy about. After they left, the young man was laughing while crying, because his prayers were answered. He got the reply he was waiting from the monk.


This is where the second vision ends

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 1:03 p.m. No.17477870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7891



The days ahead, the near future will be very harsh on a lot of people as the Matrix is being destroyed. The Illusion will shatter and this will not be nice at all to many. When the time comes, we don’t know if this place will be still here or not. It doesn’t matter because this place is in the virtual, digital world. It’s not tangible. I have given you already plenty. I’m certain the Truth will come out but gradually, so that people will get it in. It is not clear if I will continue with the thread, or not. In either situation, that is not important. What is important is what the readers of this Old man will do in their real life. You are the candles in that building, at least the anons whom don’t think I’m lying are. From the first page till the last I’ve posted, it has always been your choice. I’m just doing what I was tasked to do, the rest is up to you.


From the first day I started to dig, and post, everything was calculated, nothing was done out of place, including the name which I was crucified for, by some brainless people; without realizing what was going on right under their noses. How do you find a needle in a hay stack? = you use a magnet. The name was my magnet and I found what I was looking for. Since I couldn’t find what I want among millions in here, I let it find me in return. I’m an old dog in this game. I’ve been through many battles which most of you won’t last 10 seconds in. I’m not bragging, nor exaggerating. I only wish things were easier, so I wouldn’t have to do it this way. If I had a secure place to post from other than here, I would have moved there long ago. But that was not the case, unfortunately. Unlike most of you, we know the risks first hand very well. We don’t have an army like Potus to protect us. We stand alone in our little team of 3.


I’m not that good in the virtual world because of my age, I’m old school after all. But in the real battlefield, things are very different. The real battlefield is the spiritual realm, where only one person, one human is standing between you and those dark things. That person walks among YOU. He is one of YOU, the people. He is asking you to change for the better, be kinder, help others and spread compassion, but without being stupid as to accept Evil and enable it. Know to distinguish. The laws of men, do not apply to Heaven, but the Laws of Heaven apply to mankind. And the Laws of Heaven are very strict. You don’t get to do whatever you want, then be off like you did nothing wrong. There is a reason why there is so much darkness in this world, it’s because you are not fighting back spiritually. I’m not talking religiously, there is a difference here. The Spirit is different from the Soul. The only way to fight back is by love, compassion. Once you truly care, you will not harm others and the Light will shine from you. As long as you remain narrow minded, trapped in your arrogance, ego and selfishness you will be in the Dark for all eternity.

Anonymous ID: 53233e Sept. 1, 2022, 1:08 p.m. No.17477891   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I achieved most of what I came here for. So if I come back or not, is not important. If it is for the better, then I will come back. Nothing is going to happen according to your expectations for the simple reason, you are not the one in the driving seat. The rest is in the hands of Potus and the Alliance. Things are going to get super crazy at some point, even more than what you are prepared for. Don’t waver despite the pain because it’s going to be extremely painful and harsh. Don’t let go of your faith, hold on to it hard, and I keep on urging the readers to befriend the monk. I don’t do things randomly.


Once again, for the anon opening thread 10, thank you for your kindness. Don’t worry, the Truth is coming out and you already know an important chunk of it. Potus will do what is right. Trust him despite how hard and harsh it will get. He is not perfect but he is a good man, so are the people working with him.


If you ask me, I think they are all a bunch of crazy people, but this is a good type of crazy and crazy is what was needed to heal this world. The sacrifices done behind the scenes are greater than anyone can imagine. It goes beyond the human understanding. While the sacrifices are made, most of us are comfy in this place, clicking on the keyboard. So whatever happens, despite how harsh it is and how long it lasts, never lose your trust and your faith in Potus and the Alliance. Always have their backs, even if it doesn’t make any sense to you and even if it goes against what you think, even if you are hurt. This is done for humanity, mankind; and not a single country and its citizens. This is a point which most fail to understand. We will stand equally when this is over. No one will be above the other or better. A lot of ego and arrogance will go down the drain. Those whom think they come from a superior race or country do not understand what is truly going on and they will be in huge denial and shock as reality will slap them hard in the face.


For the readers of what this Old Man posted, I want to thank every single anon for putting up with me. If you believe or not what is given to you, that is up to you. I did my part, the rest is in your hands. If I’m needed, I will come back as already stated many times before. For the bad intelligence agencies whom are obviously also reading what I’m posting, try to guess which finger I’m sticking out. Your time is almost up and you will be flushed down the toilet seat just like the Bloodlines were. Oh yes, most of them are all gone now, including the Queen. MOST of what you see is a well scripted movie. Think beyond the obvious and always read between the lines anons.


If there are any questions from the readers which they would like to ask about what I already posted, only what I already posted about; then I will answer a few of them, if I can.


Remember: It’s at the darkest that the Light will shine and break it. You are not alone. You have someone shielding you and trying to snatch you from the claws of Darkness. Trust Potus. Trust the monk.


Wishing you a good day, wherever you are on this planet.


God bless you.