This is the Old man,
Dear anon, thank you for your kindness and your kind words. For NOW, I will not come back. I’m still working as long as the internet is up, but not posting any of it because my come back is still pending, not decided yet. Still working on Oceania by the way but very slowly. Please be patient. If I am MEANT to come back, then I will pick up where I left off on thread 9. I won’t start from thread 10. If there is no NEED for me to come back, then you have plenty already. Trust Potus and the Alliance to bring out the Truth, gradually. Because they will. It’s going to come out and nothing and no one will stop it. When it does, I hope you will smile and remember the things you’ve read in this thread. You know far more than the average person.
While I was away, there were some interesting things happening in this place which were communicated to me by some “friends”. There were also other interesting things which were sent to me. Let me share some of them with you, and I will give you a few” nice things” as well. I’m going to put them in several posts because I cannot attach more than one video to a post. And I talk too much, like the Old man that I am.
The first one is this clip from Lady Gaga. Please watch the clip carefully and be observant of the details. Listen closely to the narration. It starts with the title: Born this way. Do you know whom is born THAT way? = it’s the Evil One. With this title, Lady Gaga is confirming the Evil One was born “differently” from the rest of us, as in he was born with an anomaly in his X chromosome which is known as the McLeod Syndrome; confirmed by the Dogon myths, as I’ve talked about it many times already. Lady Gaga is confirming to us the Evil One has McLeod syndrome and he is the first of HIS kind.
Then notice the triangle upside down and the unicorn, also mentioned in this thread. The lady in the triangle looks close to humans, but not identical to humans. The color flashing from the triangle is a shade of purple which is indicating she is royalty. Behind her, we see the Universe = space. She is what the normies call as “Aliens or Extra-terrestrial”. She is obviously a queen and she is a blonde. Lady Gaga calls her Mother Monster; this is how (((they))) see her.
Listen closely to what Lady Gaga narrates. It started with the birth on an “Alien” SHIP in SPACE. She calls this birth as being of magical and magnificent proportions took place = painting it in a good way. Then she says that the birth was not finite but infinite. She is glorifying this birth, while pointing there was something different in it, not the usual order of the Universe; just like with the birth of the Jackal from the Dogon myths. Notice the Monarch Butterflies as the “Alien queen” is giving birth. This is Neith. And what she gave birth to? = twins = 2 children at the same time. The birth of the twins is considered by Lady Gaga as being the beginning of a NEW RACE, which in other words is the Adam and Eve of (((their))) clan. The twins are the Evil One and the Evil Lady = the founders of the Evil Clan. (((They))) see themselves as a race within the race of humanity. Just look how disgusting the head figures put on a row like that. What does that indicates?
Then in the narration, Lady Gaga describes the Horned Serpent Clan in positive and good terms, as being a race which holds no prejudices, no judgment, but boundless freedom. And this is the doctrine established by the Evil One which he used to lure the Evil Lady to his side. And he is very wrong, because this means that they can do whatever nasty, evil thing they want, and they will escape judgment, no punishment for them disguised under the trickery of freedom. There is no such thing as an action with no consequences in the Laws of Heaven. Heaven will judge you according to your actions and intentions. If you abolish judgement and punishment, then there is no Law, when there is no Law, then it’s Mad Max scenario. And this is the doctrine and teachings of the Evil Cult and this is what (((they))) have been apply as a system for a long time. This is the Evil seed (((they))) planted in us = brainwashing you to think, believe, you can do whatever you want and there will be no consequences. You are wrong if you think that.