Tool - Opiate (Lyrics)
A past-life regression grifter named Delores Cannon.
The Jews popularized the notion of Royalty. They love sucking off the Royal teat. That's why they created the Catholic Monarchy system.
All Western monarchs claim to be decended from King David…the King Jew.
Taxes, sacrifices, laws, temples…all support the Crown and the Court Jews.
Consider all the stolen gold Israel has to spend to finance all that killing and the blackmail spent controlling puppets to fight each other.
Good thing war is profitable, or the instigating financiers would go broke.
The "Jewish" Swiss bankers betrayed their own slaves. That's the Phoenecian Canaanite human sacrifice tradition in them. All for another buck.
Never forget, Jesus was a Jew and the story created to establish a religion around him was written by Elite Jews aka those who finance the crowns adventures and misadventures.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild is credited with saying, ″Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who establishes its laws.″
Jewish German Banker
Beware the Levin of the Pharisees
I had the misfortune of hearing Markie stump for Dr. Grifter Oz this evening. They're all in it together and voting is pointlrss because the mafia controls is all for the benefit of the Bankers.
You're delusional. Voting in knowingly rigged elections is living a lie. Be a man and face the Truth…or is your beautiful lie just that sweet?
When you forgo US citizenship for State citizenship you lose the right to vote…in knowingly rigged elections for people you no longer have to pay.
Not a bad deal maybe.
Ok Buddy. Sure. You send your funds to Trump, vote for Oz, and remeber to get vaxxed.
They never lose because they own both sides. Why do you think it's a "two party system"?
To give people a sense of choice when then don't really have one. Fuck 'em.
That's exactly the kind of divisive low IQ shill response one would expect from an establishment cuck begging people to keep believing in their horseshit system that produces nothing but lies, miseryz and death. Thanks for pointing yourself out.
Jewish son-in-law of the last hope of the establishment being interviewed on State television.
Not a chance. Faux News is horsefeed.
Like everyone else who was born into this shit, we didn't agree to it. We didn't "vote" for this corrupt system. We didn't write the corrupt rules. We were taught to obey and pretend obedience to lies and liars was "God's plan". What a fucking farce it all is.
"They never thought she would lose. Now THEY all lose"
We are all part of the THEY that are losing. Sucks but true.
The delusion is massive and no one wants to look.
"He's our only hope! All hail the Emperor. Save us Emperor Jesus Trump!"
The theocrats latched on to the religious part and are still beating anons about the head and shoulders with the damn book.
That'll keep them safe from the boogeyman until they are old enough to slave unattended.