A face diaper wearing friend of mine, who's conservative and pro-Trump in all other respects, sent this meme to me.
I just wonder why Bezos didn't suggest this idea himself?
A face diaper wearing friend of mine, who's conservative and pro-Trump in all other respects, sent this meme to me.
I just wonder why Bezos didn't suggest this idea himself?
Clever - he's making the point that LBJQTs are Nazis at heart. My hat's off to him!
Looks like the DS in Germany is working overtime to crash the economy just like they did in the early 30s. Nazi World Order Redux?
>Does it seem strange that the person standing next to the gun Never moves ?
Don't know what you're looking at, bro, everyone around the gun is moving. You smoking some good shit?
It's 'cuz we love niggers - without them, who would lay down some tunes, and show us whiteys how to really dance? America is better off with more niggers. so GFY.
Don't fuck with Israeli women.
DS is losing its marbles, really desperate. Anyone can tell you a State Supreme Court can't annul an amendment to the State Constitution unless the specifics of the amendment are in violation of peoples' rights.