Ukraine unplugs from Russian power grid
The country seeks to connect to the European electricity network
Ukraine has terminated an agreement with Moscow on the operation of the two countries’ energy systems, the government’s representative to the Rada, Taras Melnichuk, announced on Tuesday.
“The agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Russian government on measures to ensure the parallel operation of the unified energy system of Ukraine and the unified energy system of Russia, concluded on July 12, 2012, has been terminated,” he posted on Telegram.
Ukraine was previously part of the Integrated Power System, which includes Russia and Belarus. The deal reportedly stipulated that the countries must ensure the proper technical condition of electrical networks and coordinate the planning of parallel operation of their power grids.
In late February, Ukraine did a test run by temporarily disconnecting from the Russian electrical grid and linked to an electricity grid spanning much of continental Europe. Belgium-based ENTSO-E, which represents dozens of transmission system operators in Europe, said the electricity grid of Ukraine was successfully synchronized with the Continental European Power System on a trial basis.