>Protect your subconscious and always be aware of your thoughts.
Pray without ceasing.
>I´m not religious, more secular and spiritual.
Good luck with that.
Interesting graphic.
Denotes much consideration towards Mercy.
All those people are lucky I'm not in charge.
I'd kill each one.
"Oh, I only did a little Evil…"
Oh, I knew what was happening to that child but kept silent…"
Each. One.
>you're living in a fantasy world where the republic created by the founding fathers is still alive and well.
The Republic is simply the People, and their Representatives.
The People are "OK"-ish. Their Reps, however, deserve to be in prison.
None of this means the Form, or structure of this Republic is "gone", or somehow failed. WE have failed. WE allowed the scum to rise to the top. Now let's fix it.