Anonymous ID: e7afd7 Aug. 24, 2022, 7:56 p.m. No.17438983   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9225

New Orleans’ LaToya Cantrell Is the Worst Mayor in America


By destroying the cities so that the middle class leaves, the Dems get to rule over the rich and the poor.


First, for those of you who haven’t read all of the previous columns in this space, a definition. What is Weaponized Governmental Failure?


Simply put, it’s the process by which urban socialist Democrats intentionally muck up the basic tasks of municipal governance and create such soul-crushing environments that middle-class taxpayers and voters decamp for the suburbs, thus leaving an electorate incapable of throwing off the political machine.


My theory is that Weaponized Governmental Failure, or WGF for short, was arrived upon serendipitously. At some point in the 1990s, Democrats noticed that some of their worst mayors — like Washington, D.C.’s Marion Barry — were simply unbeatable despite dismal performances.


And, at that point, it became recognizable to urban socialist Democrats that if you governed badly enough, if you refused to fill potholes or police the streets or solve traffic problems or provide functional public education, the middle-class voters who would consider voting Republican and therefore could put your political power at threat would just … leave.


And when they left, what remained would be a thin crust of rich people relatively easy to govern because they provide their own public services in the form of private school attendance for their children, private security for their neighborhoods, and so forth.


Oh, and a mass of urban poor who would also be easy to govern — at least, in the manner urban socialists like to govern. The votes of the poor can be bought cheaply because they don’t know any better. Tear down statues, offer “universal basic income” or free needles or midnight basketball, and you can fleece the poor into believing that you care. They don’t really expect anything better and they wouldn’t even know what that looks like.

Anonymous ID: e7afd7 Aug. 24, 2022, 8:09 p.m. No.17439020   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9062 >>9212 >>9572 >>9701

Should Red States Block Federal Agencies From Operating With Impunity? Blue States Do It


Keep in mind that foreign individuals have no right under the constitution to reside in the US without first gaining citizenship. Leftists say they don’t care and are happy to welcome millions of illegals into the country with open arms in direct violation of laws protecting our borders as well as the stability of our economy and society. They do this NOT because they are naively humanitarian; rather, they see it as a means to import a massive voting block that will give leftists whatever they want because they believe they will get citizenship in exchange.


The message of the Jan 6th trials is this: Leftists are allowed to violently riot and burn buildings to the ground across the country. Conservatives are not allowed to do anything. If we do, then we will be rounded up for “insurrection.” At least, that’s what they want us to believe so that we self censor and live in fear of ever protesting again. We are at an impasse. There is no compromise to be had and no agreements to be made. They want us gone, and now we want them gone because they want us gone. This is not going to change.


Red states should enforce a moratorium on federal agency operations until the threats of political abuse are addressed. It is not possible to reach an understanding with leftists at this time because they operate through a prism of zealotry. They cannot be reasoned with because they believe that everything they are doing is righteous and no violation of individual rights is off the table, so it is better to separate and prevent them from implementing malicious policies within our state borders until the conflict is resolved. Otherwise, a lot of people could get hurt.

Anonymous ID: e7afd7 Aug. 24, 2022, 8:17 p.m. No.17439033   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9066

IRS inability to hire, retain workers could upend Biden’s revenue plans


The IRS will have to lower its standards (if they even have standards). I hear that Antifa is available for hire.


Who wants to be an Internal Revenue Service enforcement agent? Turns out, hardly anyone.


President Biden’s plan to boost government revenue over the next decade by adding 87,000 IRS agents is on a collision course with the hard reality that they can’t even recruit enough workers now to meet existing staff levels, according to recent studies.


“This plan is going to be extremely difficult to achieve. The IRS is competing with lots of employers out there, and not everyone wants to be the bad tax guy or spend hours of the day poring over boring IRS documents,” said Rachel Greszler, a senior research fellow on budget and entitlements at The Heritage Foundation.

Anonymous ID: e7afd7 Aug. 24, 2022, 8:59 p.m. No.17439140   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9214 >>9231


>These people are total psychopaths.

They're scared and looking for scapegoats. Won't help them. Everybody knows who the culprits are. The people who are vax-injured or who had their relatives die on them won't be looking for Trump. They'll be gunning for the CDC and Fauci. They'll be gunning for the doctors and the hospitals who lied to them. Plenty of culprits. Trump is small potatoes even if they can pin something on him.