Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 3:51 a.m. No.17444720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4726 >>4749 >>4962

Human history


At this time the galaxy had just gone through a long and bloody war. Diplomats from positive and negative races sought places where the positive and negative races could work together on something, to defuse tensions and focus the galaxy’s attention away from war and towards some new goal.


Those diplomats hoped that Earthlings could serve as a great “peace project.” Namely: let all prominent races in the galaxy contribute some DNA to these ape-like Earthlings (plus Reptilians contributed the lizard brain). Then negative and positive races could work together towards one goal, namely creating a new kind of Earthling. And they could have a friendly competition that would focus their attention away from war.


This competition was: if a race has DNA from negative and positive races, will it turn towards the light or towards the dark?


In popular terms, this experiment was hyped as, “which is stronger, the light or the dark? Earthlings will definitely settle this argument.”


Both the positive and negative races were convinced these Earthlings would eventually turn to their side. So this was considered to be a very interesting experiment. And this Earthling experiment did help to defuse war tensions.


The experiment also had an inherent grand prize. Earthlings are the psionically more powerful race in the universe, because of their diverse DNA. So whichever side Earthlings turn to, gets the prize of having the most powerful race in the universe be on their side.


The Annunaki allowed the other races to tinker with Earthlings, and eventually, they had enough minerals and they left.


What you think of as the Earthling race, are those Earthlings who have received all the DNA from various ET races. This is why Earthlings are so diverse and why so many Earthlings look very different from one another. This is because different Earthlings have different combinations of ET DNA. That said, all groups of Earthlings have both good and bad traits, strengths and drawbacks. No one group on your planet is better than another.


The positive races offered Earthlings a helping hand. Earthlings accepted and the positive races helped you build Atlantis (which was more masculine-focused) and Lemuria (which was more feminine-focused). Then the positive races left, to honor the spirit of the “will Earthlings turn towards the light or dark” competition.


But the dark races cheated. They lied to Earthlings, which is a violation of free will, and they infiltrated both Atlantis and Lemuria. I would like to say that they corrupted Atlantis and Lemuria, but it is more accurate to say that they merely contributed to the corruption of Atlantis and Lemuria.


The dark ones gave you destructive technology and flattered you and increased your ego and pride and turned you away from a path of service to Source.

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 3:53 a.m. No.17444726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739


Human history continued


Yet even more important than that was that Atlantis and Lemuria had access to too much knowledge and technology too quickly, and their level of consciousness was too low to be able to handle that wisely. You can think of Atlanteans and Lemurians as toddlers playing with loaded weapons. Even the technology and knowledge that the positive races gave them was too much.


This is part of why I have told you in past messages that from my perspective, the most important thing is for Earthlings to raise their level of consciousness. Giving you more knowledge and technology just makes the weapon you are holding even more dangerous, while spiritually you are still a toddler. Frankly I considered refusing to answer this question for that reason, but then decided that you deserve to know your history.


Also, the positive races learned a painful lesson here to not try and tell lower-consciousness beings what they should think and how they should structure their society. While we never forced your forefathers to do anything, we did make suggestions. And Atlanteans and Lemurians listened to us. But their level of consciousness was not high enough yet and so it blew up in their face. You would have fared better if we had made fewer suggestions. This is part of the reason why today we are very reluctant to just take over your media and broadcast our perspective.


After the collapse of Atlantis and Lemuria, the positive races withdrew, partly out of shame and partly because they concluded that they should just let Earthlings develop at their own pace. But of course, the dark ones didn’t. After Atlantis and Lemuria, they really hooked their claws into you.


Some combination of demons, negative ETs and a small group of their human minions have been running your entire world ever since, from behind the scenes. They have been feeding off your energies and particularly off your so-called negative emotions.


To diminish you and make you easier to control, they falsified your history. They filled your heads with inverted information. They made you worship idols and false gods, sometimes includings themselves. They locked up parts of your DNA. They made sure that everything you ate, drank and breathed in was filled with toxins. They divided you. Then they divided you even further. They made brother kill brother, made father kill son, made man hate woman.


They raped and tortured every priestess and wise woman they got their hands on. They destroyed feminine energy wherever they found it. They tried to convince women to become masculine. They tried to block both masculine and feminine energy in men, to make them completely powerless and detached and tuned out.


This systemic rape and torture of every woman who was not a submissive house-wife, is part of the reason why Earthling women still feel so very unsafe, even today. Part of this fear comes from justified concerns about modern-day dangers, and part of this fear is ancestral trauma.


My Earthling sisters, I empathize with you so very much. I cannot imagine how much you have suffered. I also cannot express how much I love you or respect you for having kept a good heart despite all of this. And yes, I know that there are still many dangers out there even today. Society still does not treat you properly.


Yet I do want to say: you are safer now than you were in those dark days. Today in most places you’re not going to get brutalized just for speaking your mind or for being a priestess or for studying some herbs. It’s no longer then, you’re no longer there. With all my love and respect, I would like to invite you to let go of some of that ancestral trauma.


Keeping yourself small may have been necessary in the past for your safety. I do not blame you for that, at all. But now you are invited to once again step into your power. The world needs you. Humanity needs you.


So, the dark ones abused you for millennia. And yet, despite all of this, still you slowly kept growing in a generally positive direction.

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 3:58 a.m. No.17444739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4962


Human History continued


What were the positive ET races doing in the meantime? Well, the early forms of positive races were not very good at dealing with so-called negative emotions, because their societies are utopian. Because of this, they were inexperienced at dealing with negative emotions. So for a long time, positive races simply did not look at Earth because they felt shame.


I am offering a formal apology to Earthlings on behalf of all positive galactic races who were involved with humanity, for our behavior in those days. We are not proud of it.


This is part of the reason why it is such a deep wound in the Earthling psyche that you had a paradise but then you lost it. Many of you still subconsciously blame yourself for the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria.


From my point of view, you can let go of that. It was more our fault than your fault, and besides, you have beaten yourself up for way too long over that already. I would like to invite you to forgive yourself for the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria. It is time. You have suffered more than enough for that already. You are forgiven.


At some point the positive races realized they had to do something. They asked for volunteers to start incarnating on Earth. These are light workers. The hippie movement of the 1960s had a lot of light workers in them. This is not to say that hippies are perfect people, they had their flaws and blind spots too, but hippies did significantly raise the consciousness of humanity.


And it worked. Remember the competition we talked about? During the Harmonic Convergence of August of 1987, enough Earthlings were good-hearted that the light side officially won. Earthlings were then put on track in to become a good-hearted race living in a love-based society (although you have free will, so individuals might still turn towards the dark). This trajectory was further locked in and stabilized in 2012.


Now it is just a matter of playing out the process and seeing how long and rocky this road will be. Of course the dark ones are refusing to accept their defeat, but literally everything they are doing nowadays is backfiring on them in the sense that it is only waking up more and more people.


The level of consciousness on Earth is rising so quickly that hostile ETs are less and less able to affect you. Plus the positive ETs have dedicated a lot of resources and manpower towards protecting you from hostile ETs. Now it’s mostly just a matter of dealing with selfish and dark Earthlings, which we think is mostly your responsibility. We do not wish to repeat Atlantis.


The situation on Earth today may look dire, but from our perspective, for the first time in millennia you are actually mostly freed from your demonic and negative-ET controllers. Now it’s mostly just flesh-and-blood humans who are pursuing a dark agenda, and you can just have regular police men and soldiers arrest those. You have more than enough evidence. The ball is lying in front of an open goal. It’s just up to some courageous Earthling to kick it in.


The consciousness of humanity keeps rising every single day, so it is highly likely that some day the positive factions of the Earthling military will pull the trigger.


One day you will learn galactic history and you will see that it is full of irony. One such irony is that positive beings foresaw that Earthlings would bring peace to the galaxy. However, in their self-centeredness, they interpreted this as “we will work with the negative races on these Earthlings, and in working side by side on this human project, peace will be created.” Now it is looking more like you Earthlings will indeed bring peace to the galaxy, but you will do so because one day you will be more powerful and more wise and more experienced with both light and dark than we are.


You will bring peace not because you are some project for us to tinker with, but you will bring peace because you will be the greatest of us.


The positive races already love and respect you, while the dark races will be unable to handle either your love or your military power. At the same time, you will be wise enough to let them chart their own course, so long as no direct harm to others is done, and not force some kind of Pleiadian-like society on them. After all, you too will have learned from Atlantis.


So, why did Earthlings turn towards the light and not towards the dark? That’s because the light is simply inherently stronger and more appealing than the dark. That is what Earthlings have proven once and for all, to the entire galaxy.


The dark ones cheated and they still lost. You still turned to the light.


All the dark is, is lack of love and lack of light. Even a spark of light or a spark of love can fill an entire dark room. Light beings are defined by their connection to Source, dark beings are defined by their lack of connection to Source. Which do you think is more powerful and more appealing?

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 4:01 a.m. No.17444749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4908 >>4962


Human history part 1 of 4

Human creation


Frankly, it is very strange for me to consider that you Earthlings do not really know your history. If you do not know where you came from, how can you know where you are going?


I understand that this is not your fault. The information is being kept from you. It is just a strange situation to think about, from my point of view. That said, that does make your question very valuable and much appreciated.


One of your questions is, “why did the Annunaki come here.” Most actions or events have multiple reasons or causes, and that includes the decision of the Annunaki to come to Earth. However, most Earthlings tend to want to think of things as having just one reason. If multiple reasons are given, they sometimes become a bit uncomfortable: “yes, but which is the real reason?”


Therefore I will mostly be giving the primary reasons for certain events and I will omit some of the less important reasons and causes. Also, giving a full history of Earth and Earthlings would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, and I do not wish to completely exhaust the channeler. So I will give a summary. We will gladly share your full history once we have landed.


The Annunaki came to your world to mine certain materials, especially gold. Two of them were ENKI & ENLIL. At some point Annunaki did not want to do the work themselves. They created a primitive form of Earthlings out of existing ape-like creatures, to mine minerals for them.


During this time period the Annunaki were slightly negatively oriented beings, but they did genuinely need those minerals. They are neither human nor reptilian or human-reptilian hybrids. They are their own species. They are also not nearly as negatively oriented as reptilians. Today Annunaki are moderately positively oriented.


These are all generalizations. There are some positive reptilians (today there is even a reptilian commander working for the light forces). There are some negative Pleiadians. There have always been both negative and positive Annunaki.

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 5:06 a.m. No.17444908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4921 >>5003


Each different race was created by a different ET race.

Each human race is a descendant of a different ET race.


This is why you see the push to destroy certain races. They want the positive ET offspring destroyed by any means.


This is why you see race mixing pushed with only certain races. They want the offspring of positive ETs destroyed or mixed with negative ET dna.


Wake up

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 5:19 a.m. No.17444951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5167

You are offspring of positive ET’s this is whey they want to breed that DNA out of your bloodlines.


The push interracial propaganda to destroy your bloodlines positive ET DNA.


They protect the bloodlines of the Negative ET races

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 5:36 a.m. No.17445003   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons don’t you see how they start wars and have us kill each other, usually those big wars are putting the same race against each other.


Anons don’t you see how they push race mixing?

Anons don’t you see they only push race mixing with certain races and others are absolutely protected from it?


You were created by mixing ET DNA with ET DNA

Don’t you see some races are naturally warlike?

Positive and negative

Don’t you see some races are creative and inventive?


These are hard truths.

They want your bloodlines destroyed if you are from positive bloodlines.


These negative and positive ET’s are at war. You are a casualty of this war.


The gas lighting, the propaganda. Destroying your offspring. Critical race theory.


Look at it all

Anonymous ID: 845f8d Aug. 26, 2022, 5:49 a.m. No.17445049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everyone is on the same journey, just on different parts of the long road. Some are farther along than others.


It is easy to spot those who are struggling, but even the ones who are strong, successful, and accomplished, may not have always been so. Many have passed through the dark night of the soul and despair, and emerged into the Light.


If you have made such a journey, then you know that it can end, but not without leaving a history that presents you with choices. One choice is to live with regret for previous shortcomings, which may have caused pain to friends and loved ones. A feeling of remorse may surface each time you remember those that are now gone, who may have been affected by your actions. You perhaps feel uncomfortable about how others, who knew you in the past, might remember you.


There is a better choice though. That is to realize your life transpired the way it did, so you could find your own way in a very difficult world. You made that contract, before you incarnated into this lifetime.


On a higher level, each person in your life was there for a reason, and on that level, they know why you made the choices you did. They forgave you long before there was anything to forgive. That was part of their contract.


You can forgive yourself for decisions you made in the past, but in reality, you do not need forgiveness, because the path you followed, and the turns you took along the way, were your journey, the one that led you to the best outcome.


You became a better person. You learned how to be kind and caring. You discovered your potential and your life’s purpose, which is to bring as much Light into the world as possible and radiate it out to those who you encounter in your everyday life.


Everyone has a story. Your story, when you tell it, may sound exciting, adventurous, diverse, and interesting, and it is, because that is the way you tell it. You do not dwell on the personal struggles you had to overcome or the weaknesses that allowed them to continue. You know that it all transpired in good and perfect time.


Your inner strength, which you did not always realize you had, kept you treading water, so to speak, until your feet touched the bottom. Those who knew you and believed in you, kept you afloat when you felt too weary to go on, even though you were not aware of their support.


Then, there are your guides and guardian angels. You might have had them working overtime. They too have been with you always, and still are. Speak to them often and feel their presence around you throughout the day.


So you see, when someone says, it’s all good, or it worked out as it was meant to be, it is true. Life may not unfold as you expect, or even as you wish, but in the end, if you are happy and peaceful where you are, then everything that occurred, did so, to get you here.


The best part is that when all is said and done, you have a story to tell.