Mark Zuckerberg will eventually shave his head bald His hair is already a lost cause and I think at some point he will get rid of it. I'm not sure who is cutting his hair but they need to be tried and prosecuted by a jury of their peers.
The joke is that if you pull his wig off, a big fist will appear. I don’t think that’s actually true, but we are talking about Chuck Norris so who knows. Norris has rocked a full head of hair his whole life and there is no way this isn’t a wig. It’s never changed, even the red color, it never occurred to him to lighten it or change it up. I guess when you are Chuck Norris you call the shots and if you want to wear a red toupee you are going to wear a red toupee. Norris doesn’t have time to change up his hairstyle; he’s got much more important things to take care of. Like kicking butt.
It’s a universal truth that insanely rich people have the worst taste in everything. Everything they like is inordinately expensive and aesthetically fucked. You walk through the gaudy double doors of a billionaire’s house and you’re guaranteed to see a grand sculpture dominating the room that costs more than Libya’s GDP and absolutely sucks ass. It’s inexcusable, the shit they like and spend money on. And it’s an entirely admirable scam in the sense that someone figured out rich people will sink untold fortunes on any old shit provided it smells like sandalwood and carries a price tag equivalent to the military’s funding. To that end, there is no earthly reason – with the ball-achingly large bank account that he has – for Mark Zuckerberg to be swanning about rocking hair that looks like a sucked-out mango.
Zuckerberg’s bullshit mop has drawn bulk heat online following his appearance before US Congress where he got absolutely fucken grilled over the various world-ruining transgressions Facebook has committed (please do not limit our page’s reach again Zucc you gross bitch).
No matter how bad you are at your job, Zuckerberg’s hair stylist is worse. Can I get some croutons w/ that Caesar?