Anonymous ID: c94ecd Aug. 26, 2022, 2:25 p.m. No.17447026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7033 >>7037 >>7042 >>7057 >>7142

Negative ET's have been in control of the planet for thousands of years.

Humanity has been held hostage.

"If you positive ET's try to help, we will destroy humanity"


Positive ET's could not invade in the traditional sense.

Instead, they sent you.

You and hundreds of thousands of higher density beings incarnated and infiltrated humanity.

Wayshowers leading the way.

Wave after wave incarnating, infiltrating.

Raising the human collective consciousness so they are open to these truths that are about to be revealed.

You have done this before however when entities incarnate into the 3rd dimension all past life memories are wiped that's why it's so risky and only the bravest souls volunteer.

Anonymous ID: c94ecd Aug. 26, 2022, 2:35 p.m. No.17447068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Are we really frogs?


You are system busters


And what makes you system busters? You already know, each one of you, deep within you, that you already are that. You know that you are here for a reason. You know that you are here for a purpose. A mission, and a fulfillment of promise. A promise given long, long ago. And here you are now as those system busters to bust yet another system wide open, as you have done many times before, in many different systems, different galaxies, different planets, perhaps even different universes. But here you are, at the culmination of this particular system.


This system that is no longer functioning, no longer working for the benefit of collective consciousness of man. It cannot. It has fulfilled its purpose, this illusion. This third-dimensional illusion, that you are still finding yourself in at times, has fulfilled its purpose. It is no longer needed.


You must come to understand and realize that, that you are both a part of this illusion, and not a part of this illusion. You are a part of it as much as you want to be. But you also can be separate from it as much as you want to be as well. For it does not hold you unless you let it hold you to it.


Now you all know that you have been lied to for eons of time here within this illusion. But deep down within you, you all knew the deeper truths, and that one day these truths would be revealed, as they are now being revealed. Because those within the shadows can no longer be within the shadows. They are bringing the truth forward, even though they don't want to do that. But they are finding they must bring forth the truth. And they are doing it in very much ridiculous ways, just enough for those that are yet unawakened to begin to awaken. To begin to awaken to what we call, and many of you call, 'the nonsense' that is doing on. For it is indeed that. But know that it has a purpose. All of this.

Anonymous ID: c94ecd Aug. 26, 2022, 2:51 p.m. No.17447112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And you all are in place now, just as you intended to be many, many thousands and thousands of years ago when you volunteered to be here, you are in place now, exactly where you need to be.


And more and more of you will feel the call now, feel the call that is reaching out to you to move you ahead upon your mission, whatever that might be. However you feel that you can contribute, now is the time to do so. Find it within your heart, within your high heart. Listen to the call from your Higher Self who is now not only whispering, but is beginning to shout more and more to you.


Listen to those whispers, and listen to those shouts, for it is all up to you, the collective you, as to how this will continue to play out. But play out, it shall.


Know that you have the power, each and every one of you has the power within you to blow this system wide open, to be those system busters that you came here to be. So do it. Just simply do it. Whatever that might take, do it.

Anonymous ID: c94ecd Aug. 26, 2022, 4:22 p.m. No.17447511   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do you see how they start wars between nations and have us kill each other. Do you notice its normally the same race that's killing each other,


Do you see how they push race mixing?


Do you notice they only push race mixing with certain races and others are absolutely protected from it?


We were created from ET's mixing ET DNA with Primitive human DNA


Some ET's were positive and created certain races and some negative that created some human races.


Do you see some races are naturally warlike and violent greedy and selfish? (negative)



Do you see some races are creative, inventive, compassionate? (positive)


These are hard truths.


They want your bloodlines destroyed if you are from positive bloodlines. They are working hard to achieve this.

They want your children gay, trans, hating themselves.


The negative and positive ET’s are at war. You are a casualty of this war.


The gas lighting, the propaganda. Destroying your offspring. Critical race theory.


This is so much bigger than most can even imagine.