Why is Seth Keshel getting so much attention? I mean the guy is using college freshman level statistics and everyone thinks that retard is a genius….
Also that 7 ft goon has the personality of a fruit fly. What an annoying retard.
Indians are amongst the most overrated nationalities on earth. They are 1/3 as intelligent as they say they are.
Since when is this dork an indian?
Injuns (711, not casino): the most insufferable nationality on earth.
Remember, deep state via big technology and big business brought all these bastards over here so they wouldn't have to pay white people what they deserve.
Disney fires all of its white programmers and brought in 711 injuns. Fuck those bastards.
Regardless their culture is not aligned with Americana. They are insufferable.
Most take off an entire month each year to back to 711-ville india
They stink, are low IQ. They overstate their abilities and are linear thinkers. But ok.
Our fucking govt should be ashamed of itself for diluting our wages and culture by bringing in all these 711 injuns. I'll never forgive these fucking bureaucrats for diluting my prosperity and way of life..
Fuck you big gubmint and big business.
Why is deep state so intent on diluting our culture and way of life? Wtf is wrong with these faggots?