>humpty dumpster fire
of mice or men?
>Opinion | A new covid booster shot will be criticized. But it is worth …
>1 day ago Also, tests inmiceshow that the boosters work, and this testing method has been used often in the past with the seasonal influenza vaccine. The new boosters are already in production and might …
make the masses dependent on [their] scraps
it's been [their] thing for centuries
but time is running out for [them]
it's this kind of stuff right here that makes anon a thief
>nik'd and stolt for redistribution
possibly just lost, confused, or vulnerable
socialism breeds compliance
sorry for your head beatings
but this anon is old and solid, full GROWN
even after being tortured by a step monster
how about i do me and do you…probably the same goal, just different paths
godspeed to you anon