Anonymous ID: 0e2f6f June 14, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.1744928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4933



It's the Trey Gowdy system - act like you really care, go through the motions, and then accept defeat eventually. Benghazi. They have elections to win and posturing to do.

Anonymous ID: 0e2f6f June 14, 2018, 8:50 a.m. No.1745052   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh yeah, I forgot the secret code for "we're about to blow it open."


You can keep holding your breath. I'm going to concern myself with how Gary Sanchez can't even hit a fastball anymore.

Anonymous ID: 0e2f6f June 14, 2018, 9:16 a.m. No.1745409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5564 >>5565 >>5577 >>5588 >>5648 >>5653

You all ought to read this.I wrote these thoughts down the other day - and today I'm more convinced than ever that I am right. Just hear me out, I'm not trying ruin anyone's day.


Q is part of the Cabal. (Wait what? Shut up Corsi!) Q serves as a way to WARN cabal members of possible white hat activities so that ((they)) can avoid falling into a trap. It needs to happen on a public forum because some of them really do try to go into hiding, and they can't deny seeing the message if it's here. That's why things never /actually/ go wrong for the Cabal - q Crumbs are WARNINGS for ((them)).


If Q, at least the current one, is a black hat, then they would not actually want anon's redpilling the masses. They just would just want to distract the anons (get us off their tail) and send threatening messages to people like BHO, HRC, RR, LDR, etc - informing them of white hat activities and warning them of the consequences of betrayal or incompetence.


Think about the Twitter LARPS that innundated us 2 weeks ago.


Notice how Q disappeared the entire time EyeTheSpy was posting - then only appeared again after ETS's 6/11 "expiration date."


Q's crumbs are not for us - they are for ((them))


Yes, we pick up scraps of intel sometimes, but that's not the goal. If it was, things wouldn't be so incredibly cryptic (and increasingly so).


Let it be a lesson - discernment requires intelligence AND objectivity. We are emotional creatures by nature.


Cap this and tell me I'm wrong in 6 months if you think this is an evil shill post.

Anonymous ID: 0e2f6f June 14, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.1745565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5586



I'm giving you benefit of the doubt right now.


It's an interesting, idea. They would have had to be someone with access to POTUS's twitter schedule. So white house leaker would have to be involved. I don't know what to think right now. He did say we would be shocked when we found out who we were communicating with.