Anonymous ID: 5b2a2a June 14, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.1744962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5135 >>5608

inspector general report will come out so heavily redacted,

that you won't be able to tell if it was written on white or black paper.

There will be a big stink made about it, twitter will blow up this afternoon with

#releaseTheIGReport and #redactionssuck

and within the next few days, probably Monday or Tuesday,

President Trump will demand it's unredacted release.

Now in the meantime, CNN and the rest of the fake news will publish

all kinds of nothingburger columns based on a blacked out document.

They will spin it so far away from reality, that the

unredacted report will simply not be discussed by them next week.

The mindless morons who watch their MSM filth will eat up

all the bullshit over the next 4 days,

consume it, love it. And then next week,

they will continue watching their bullshit echo chamber of lies,

and be totally out of the know..

making them dangerous creatures once the arrests start.

If you have family members who believe CNN is real news,

please inform them of the reality of the situation once the OIG report gets fully unredacted.

I dont want these lunatics to all get thrown in FEMA camps next week.

While i despise their philosophy, i also pity their ignorance and stupidity

. Please help them understand they have been thoroughly lied to.