(pb) No I do not filter anyone here. I took advise not to. It doesn't matter to me . I just scroll by.
Wickter on the other hand writes Essays. I block him and I usually block, on twitter, anyone who retweets him.
I maybe have some old filters in here/8ch, which I don't know about, because sometimes when I roll over some post, the post won't come up. I don't' know if it's they filter me or what.
I sometimes like answering the assholes without giving a [yo u] The MU H DI CK guy. I have a poem for him. [without a y ou]
What about all those folks rooting for us to lose. What's that about? What is the motive? Are the chiefs of that attitude paid, and the followers just haters and doubters by nature. When the wind changes will they all pretend to have been one of us?