Its a TV show. Trump wants us to build suspense. Create the drama. Much like the false stories before the Kim/Trump Summit that it was not going to happen.
Eyes. Trump knows how to entertain. How to work the crowd. Before they show their hand they have to have the long pause. Let the crowd wonder. Does he have it or not? Then slowly lay down the Royal Flush.
Have not you Anons figured this out yet?
Yes it can wear on your nerves. Yes it is emotionally draining. But it is designed to be. Imagine what is going through Obama or Lynn Rothschilds mind?
Mattis said when watching Indonesians shake and spin snakes before biting them to death (really happened) "The snake is dangerous but has no stamina. It wears out quickly." Do you have to have me spell it out? They are playing with (((them))) wearing them out mentally and physically. Playing with their food like a Lion plays with a baby gazelle.
This is torture.
Mind games.
Your not the true intended target. Relax.