Everyday our rights have to be preserved and fought for even though they have been secured by God, endless wars, and corporate bloodshed over people and land.
America allows for so many ideas to come to the surface and its those ideas that are allowed to ultimately destroy the country.
So much freedom exists in the USA that you can be so corrupt, get in gov., not even live here and you can help destroy a country like the United States, change the laws and take away freedoms.
America is a corrupt country that's open for business 24/7, especially if you're a corrupt faggot, jew, satanist, or mason you will go far in politics or in DC.
Make sure you do the proper hand signals, have plenty of homosex and stick your thumb up your ass afterwards.
NOTE to YOU - You cant be corrupt, christian or republican they will oust you fast, so become a democrat and say you're either a catholic, jew or satanist or mason and play both sides of the field, be really crafty and evil, you'll go so far. Sorrass and other lobbyists will love you so much.
Its getting to the point where nobody will be trusted in society and in government.
If you work for the gov. you will be seen as a worthless POS sponge who cant make their own money without the tax payer paying your salaries.
These gov. people ultimately have no souls, they prefer to follow orders like the low IQ faggots they're because they have no thoughts of their own and need others to control.
They cant start companies or work hard for something other than a free ride by taking somebody else's dreams and money away.
The country is not suppose to be like this but it is, and no matter how may law you pass you cant change it back
Open for business!
Hell Awaits!
Become a real satanic sinner today and be successful in DC tomorrow!
Execute people for treason and subversion, make the legislature personally and financially responsible for the laws they write and create, make them responsible for the affects of those laws, and America will become a better place almost overnight.
America is a corruption factory, they make fucked up people, fucked up businesses, fucked up schools, fucked up medicines, and fucked up reality's.
Yes the country will collapse under Joe Biden, the pentagon, state department, and other failing DC corrupting-enterprising-entrepreneurial agency's.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
(lots of sarcasm and truthful reality's in this)