O yay, the part of the book where the god of the jews sends his angels to punish the world for the shitty leadership of their jew kings that he appointed.
Victim blaming much?
O yay, the part of the book where the god of the jews sends his angels to punish the world for the shitty leadership of their jew kings that he appointed.
Victim blaming much?
Ghislane's Daddy bought McGraw-Hill in the early 1990's, along with other textbook publishers.
Media lord Robert Maxwell has agreed to combine his educational publishing business with rival McGraw-Hill’s and has also signed an agreement that will bar him from hostile takeover moves against the book and magazine company that he has reportedly long coveted.
Under a joint venture agreement announced Wednesday, McGraw-Hill and Maxwell’s Macmillan Inc. would combine their elementary, secondary and vocational education businesses into a new company to be called Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Co. The units, which had combined sales of $440 million last year, together would represent the nation’s second-largest textbook publisher, after Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
A just God must punish sin
Says who?
What's a sin?
Slavery is immoral, but the God of the jews is cool with it.
Murder is immoral, but he 's cool with that too.
Killing babies is also recommended by that psycho.
So, I ask again, why do the brainwashed sheep need to be constantly punished for doing what they are led to do by the Lords that the god of the jews put over them?
Stupid ideology.
God doesn't actually do anything but watch.
Men do evil to men, and then use god as an excuse to be assholes.
The law is the source of evil because it comes from man, not the creator.
It always has been
Read the first chapter
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is bad, m'kay? Don't eat it, m'kay?
You don't know right from wrong, so stop thinking you do because you consumed the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Your first fallacy was equating "God" with a bible
The buy-bull is full of stupid shit put there by evil people to distract and confuse humanity
The creation is before you
The bible gives humanity dictatorships and slavery
Oh, and if Q is a bible-beater, then fuck Q
The Divine Right to Rule is bloodline based
Jewish Blood
If you believe in that stupid shit
Sacred cows are sacred and can't be discussed by sheep
Mental gymnastics must be used to accommodate the cognitive dissonance between the MSM narrative (vaccines are good) and reality.
Critical thinking is the enemy of the enemy of humanity.
Trump is playing a role and will play dumb, avoiding responsibility, until he's dead.
Give this a skim and you can see the man-made origins of your slave religion for yourself.
Narrative control is being provided courtesy of the Vatican
Where all things carnal are "sins" worthy of torture and death
And white-collar crimes are entrusted to the capable hands of our Over Lords in the Military and the FBI.
Facing acute risks to their businesses from Washington, D.C., policymakers, health companies spent more than $2 million to buy access to the incoming Trump administration via candlelight dinners, black-tie balls and other U.S. presidential inauguration events, new filings show.
Drugmaker Pfizer gave $1 million to help finance the inauguration, according to documents filed with the U.S. Federal Election Commission. Amgen, another pharmaceutical company, donated $500,000. Health insurers Anthem, Centene and Aetna all gave six-figure contributions.
Also writing checks for the inauguration were drugmaker Abbott Laboratories, drug wholesaler Caremark, insurer MetLife and Managed Care of North America, a dental benefits manager.
No health company gave more to Trump’s event than Pfizer, whose profits for Lyrica, Prevnar 13 and other high-priced medicines could come under pressure if the Medicare program for seniors is allowed to negotiate on cost, as Trump has suggested.
Pfizer’s $1 million donation entitled it to four tickets to a “leadership luncheon” with “select Cabinet appointees and House and Senate leadership,” according to a solicitation brochure obtained and posted online by the Center for Public Integrity.
“As it has been the case with previous presidential inaugurations, we made a financial contribution to the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, and a group of our senior leaders participated in various official events,” says Pfizer spokesperson Sharon Castillo. She declined to identify the executives.
Amgen’s inauguration gift of $500,000 was the second-biggest from a healthcare donor. The company makes Enbrel for arthritis and Epogen for anemia, among other drugs.
My beliefs are irrelevant as I'm not pushing end-of-the-world fearporn here.
I believe you are a useful idiot brainwashed sheep tool of the establishment, because that's what you are showing me.
I believe what I see.
And, I did answer you, the creation is laid out before you. Can you see it?
You misunderstand the game you are a pawn in.
It's Satan vs Lucifer
Since you're projecting hate at Lucifer, that makes you a pawn of Satan.
God just watches.
Satan wages war using the law
Lucifer wages war using the truth
But the violence can't end until everyone stops waging war.
Choose peace.
I didn't buy into that lie.
Q introduced the false paradigm
Good vs Evil…Evil is everywhere…fight, fight, fight, for God & Country.
See the paradigm?
The twin snakes are Bad and Evil
The Eagle is the Sun
God, the Creator, doesn't alter the universe because you invoked some mystical spell or because you scribbled some shit on paper.
Mystical spells and paper scribbles control the minds of people, not the Creator.
The "God" of your Bible is a man-made boogeyman.
"I will be what I will be" means that the ideas of "God" and "Satan" are useful tools to the Elites on top of the Pyramids to control the masses beneath.
If One knows how to invoke the power of mind-control, they can convince the masses to do about anything, including kill themselves all while "Thanking God" for the slaughter.
The "God" of the book of Job is Yahweh, who is in league with Satan.
Yahweh permits Satan to persecute Job.
Yahweh, is not The Creator.
Your book is filled with lies.
By invoking "the authorities" you feed the beast
If all you seek is evil, all you find will be evil
Both the light and the dark were created by the Creator.
By "siding" with one, you become the imbalance in the system.
>The light is God
And this is where you are wrong.
The creator created both.
You are worshiping the creation, not the Creator
You've fallen for the artificial division
You project that by tying light to "God" that you are on the "side" of good.
Neither "side" is good
Taking sides is divisive…and produces bad.
Stay in your lane.
Not I.
Describing "evil" requires many words
It isn't "self-apparent"
"Evil" is a man-made division
Murder is evil, except when it is approved by our laws, and then it is admirable.
Whether murder is good or evil then, is a matter of words on paper. Not self-evident.
1 In the beginning God created heaven, and earth.
2 And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.
3 And God said: Be light made. And light was made.
Tell me again how light created the Creator?
Funny. I don't believe in the Big Bang. The Big Bang is another attempt to confine the Creator in an infinite universe.
One cannot comprehend infinity.
Infinity is without time
We are on the clock.
Timelines are our attempt to make sense of the universe, but they will always reach a limit.
Infinity has no limit in either direction.
Matthew 26:52
Common English Bible
52 Then Jesus said to him, “Put the sword back into its place. All those who use the sword will die by the sword.
The Sun didn't create the Universe
There's your problem with "serving the light"
That's serving the creation, not the creator
Oh you mean hidden vs revealed…like blackmail?
You serve the blackmailers who strategically use exposure of some secrets to keep the other, bigger secrets?
Like how humanity is artificially divided into legions who alternately fight for Team Light or Team Dark while the real controllers of humanity profit off of the sales of weapons to the Teams?