Where is the faggot anime baker clown? I thought that bread gobbling faggot would be officially here by now.
So what about all the namefaggot famefaggot identityfaggot bakers? Each and every one has a name. So if you Filter all the bakers, how do you get notables? Namefaggots run the kitchen, your assertion is certainly that of an ass hole that is faggot.
Morning famefaggot. Still up to your old tricks eh. After five years of starving for attention and yous every morning at the same time EST one might think you'd get tired of it. Bless the massive famefsggot, right in God's glory hole.
Stfu with your dig and praise swordys ass, nigger. While you're at it thank the animefaggot baker who is soon to arrive for daily control of the notables. Fuck you newfags have a lot to learn. This place isn't about digs now that Q stopped posting, it's about praising namefaggots and famefaggots. PS the eco ninja is an ego faggot.
See, be more like this anon. Only shows up for one post to praise the famefaggot namefaggot which completely goes against being anon. The current team wants to destroy anonymity by promoting these faggots, You best get with the program niggerfaggot.
Chekt and rekt. Someone gotta hit those diggies while the sycophantfaggot praisefaggots worship the namefaggots destroying the ideal of being anonymous here. Bless swordy anon, or some shit, like a good patsy.
See this anon gets it. Waits all morning for a single post just for swordy famefag clown crew. Almost like a team of them sit here until this time every single morning at the same time EST. 365 days a year. Same memes every morning praising the famefaggot namefaggot. This is what this place devolved into.
You'll never Filter me shill clown. I'm the only one talking any reason here these days. Everyone has been lulled to sleep and pacified to praise famefaggot namefaggot ass hole.