Question: Why is DeSantis having so many victories in Florida against the administrative state? Who is running Florida? Who is REALLY running Florida? Why isn't DeSantis getting slapped around by the administrative state? Who is giving DeSantis cover while he disassembles the administrative state concept of 'woke capitalism'? Is DeSantis the last option to stop President Trump in the primaries by being elevated as the 'MAGA Champion' over President Trump? Let's get real. The dark forces in DC would have a DeSantis administration paralyzed and stopped cold within 2 months of his inauguration.
President Trump is the ONLY one that can take the administrative state in DC apart. Not DeSantis and certainly not Pompeo or Pence.
President Trump I'm going to give you the best advice you've gotten in a long time. Put a muzzle on Grenell immediately. Patriots and MAGA have had enough of LGBT and all it's trimmings. The world has had enough of the constant diatribes by Grenell telling them how to structure their society as it relates to LGBT. Your inner circle doesn't respect Grenell. They fear him. (intel community has 6 ways from Sunday to get back at you) While LGBT must be addressed because of the FakeNews LGBT bombing, estrogen in pre-processed foods and systematic abuse by pedophiles, now is not the time.
President Trump, you must be PROTECTED by your inner circle, not exposed to unpopular ideas that are tearing families and communities apart. Patriots are sacrificing to get you the win. LGBT is not part of that which they are willing to sacrifice. LGBT is a clear and present danger. Only through unity of purpose can we deliver an OVERWHELMING victory at the ballot box.
Sometimes things need to be said that are not popular and here are those things.