Good morning and ebaker
lb needs collected?
Get on it faggots!
Niggas last bread really be like
"No, you've got to understand all religions are bunk but my worldview and the masonic values I was taught just happen to be the correct ones, how lucky!"
Couldn't resist denouncing the Prophets, could you shill?
I know, that's why I posted
To trigger you
Now reconcile, and groom yourself
(You smell like shit)
Oh I do love it when shills try to divide by religion
Good one, Jew
Baker, can we bun these together?
The one is not a Flynn notable, quite related though
Operation Digital Mayhem
Might want to add this one to said notable bun, as well
If it pleases the baker
In lowering yourself to argue with this low level muh joo shill, anon
I'm afraid we're now missing out on the message he was twisting and coat-tailing, which is that:
The industrial porn industry and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Agree, unfortunately its hard for me to do right now on mobile
So it's your call, just giving muh nomz n sheit found it dasting
What if I told you that your body is a uniform, worn by your soul, and you agreed to wear it before putting it on.
Are you honoring it?