Enemies of the people how to recognize them:
Any politician, no matter what side of the Israel first anti-White uniparty he claims to be on is an enemy of the Western people if they:
-defend or promote homosexuality in any way shape or form (it weakens our society, gives way to the slippery slope effect (which ends up with the normalization of pedophilia), diminishes reproduction rate and goes against Christian law).
-defend non-White migration in any way shape or form (Whites are a global minority and soon will also be minorities in their own countries that their ancestors built for them), this includes legal migration and any kind of amnesty. If someone is against mass deportations and migration moratorium, they are a traitor and an enemy of the people.
-defend Israel in any way shape or form, because Israel has been, and still is, selling secret US Military tech to China for decades now with full impunity, which puts the safety and security of all Western people at risk.
Feel free to add.
All these clowns being paid by zionist Jews to be puppets in the circus of politics (that's all politicians, no matter what side of the Israel first anti-White uniparty they represent) do is prove to the people with their actions and constant betrayal that only civil war and real insurrection will bring back freedom and dignity to the people (and that can be prevented if the politicians start representing the people instead of the interests of their billionaire zionist mega-donors and Israeli mossad blackmailers, so either tribunals will deliver justice and start punishing the criminals that are destroying our countries and lives with full impunity, or the people will rise up once they have nothing more to lose like the Founding Fathers did, and at the end of the day only the clown politicians can prevent people from rising up due to having nothing more to lose because of the abuse of the criminals that tyrannically oppress them with full impunity for the political benefit of the zionist Israel anti-White mafia). That is the message they communicate with their actions, regardless of how uncomfortable this fact may be for those reading this. Complain to them for being traitors that leave the people without representation, not at me for merely stating the obvious that everyone can see. And notice I am not telling you do to anything, just stating the obvious. Always follow the law.
"Zionism is NOT about a "homeland for Jews" - it's about establishing a One World Government, where the Jews tyrannically rule the goyim."
"How Israel betrays US"
More info on the Israel-China relationship:
GAB post on this issue of Israel illegal selling US secret military tech to China with full impunity, regarding DiSantis specifically: