When they're desperate to regain control of the narrative they'll roll out the aliens.
No, this man prefers a woman with a brain that is the complement of mine. Attractiveness equal to mine. Fitness comparable to mine. And capacity to care greater than mine. Tattoos and virginity are not required.
Opinion, not news.
There's a reason why I've never baked, and why I never will.
Weimar Republic
Sodom & Gomorrah
I can only count 2 off the top of my head. How many times has this battle been fought throughout history? The debauchery is not just an affront to God, but to all of humanity that holds a shred of decency in their souls.
QAnon has never posted here. Q has though.
Triple-D is showing whites above eyes again. That's one psycho bitch. I feel sorry for her husband.
The same way that Faux is losing their credibility.
74 was a good year.