>When are the great Agents, and others, in the FBI going to say โwe arenโt going to take it anymore,โ
When they're promised protection, bonus pay and promotions for stepping forward?
Pathetic puke material right there. "We own Chicago". Yes you do. Along with all the murders.
In the meantime every fingerprint ever recorded is unique.
Very important. Maybe the #1 factor contributing to standing down and looking away.
I think the Bush family received a photograph.
I don't know about that. What I do know is Jeb couldn't read and emotionally assimilate a sentence as quick as he did. Pictures go right to the conscious and subconscious. Sentences need extra time.
>I have been listening to the Ivan Raiklin Interview.
>Makes me wonder who's side is Q on.
>Do you get that John Durham is slow playing all the prosecutions on the Deep State ?? Running the clock out ??
>WWG1WGAโฆ. was that a message for the Deep State to stick together ???
>Trust Sessions, Trust Wray ?? How did that work out for us and Trump ???
Understandable. When two sides use deception and disinformation and you're outside looking in the result is a confusing grey area. The deciding factor is knowing truth vs lies.
I've been looking into DeSantis. He has what the sunshine state provides. He has Juice.
1774 - Nice hat.
I just started. Gave it the once over. I peel the onion one layer at a time. If you want to help feel free.
>estimated completion date of August 23, 2024
Seriously? The Russians are slow rolling thru the Ukraine and now they're getting ready to mount an big offensive. More than 1/2 the HIMARS sent have been blown up. Who's running this shit show. Sit this out fools.
>I'd like to be wrong about him but it seems everyone is corrupt.
Congratulation. You're as crazy as me.
>I still think they all got a pic of their bolt hole being demolished. No where to hide when the nuke they wanted to drop on all of us hits.
I see him at GITMO. Propped up on a gurney by MP's holding up a news flash "They know everything". The intravenous drip ready to be turned on.