Henry Case ID: d1ac02 Dear Sgt 4Chan June 20, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1835987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5998 >>5138

"You have been banned from /qresearch/ for the following reason: We told you not to."


Dear Sgt 4Chan,


Told me not to do what, prithee?


Told me not to use a FEATURE implemented by CM which is OPTIONAL. So.. try not to be such a low-spectrum autist. Or told me not to BRAND with REAL PATRIOTS FIGHT iconography? Or not to use such "gay/cartoonish graphics"? Or maybe you don't like the way I render my comps. Which is it?


Just because you asked something of me is kinda besides the point. If CM didn't want people to list AN email address he would have disabled/locked/disregarded support for the usage of an email address.


The capability is there, so I am using it. If you knew who Henry Case was, you'd realize that the joke is on you. This is a VERY apropos moniker, and I repeat, you're acting like a little Kaiser Sgt 4Chan. I bet your mother is against corporal punishment of ANY form, so that explains why you're a used to acting like a spoilt little bitch and expecting everyone seeing to your every wish, like the perfect little princess we all know you to be, from your actions in this matter.


Like I said last time this happened, you're acting like a little child (Sgt 4Chan) who wants to be master of the basement.. the MASTER BAITER… Just grow the fuck up, because the world is watching, more and more each day we become understood as relevant to the general populace as they slowly wake from their slumber.


You can reply to me directly via anonymous@henrycase.org, in order to save yourself from seeming like a frothing domestic libtard trying his damndest to fit in with the Autist crowd.


Oh, and all your base…


Col Henry Case, 1st Brigade

XX Corps, 1st Div




ps: I've added two characters (PNG 2000px) to keep this sorta on-topic for the memetics.