Anonymous ID: c1b145 Aug. 28, 2022, 5:18 p.m. No.17456802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why won't levin & Co. rant about what GOT POTUS/ this Country into this Communistic "position" in the first place? Oh, that's right. faux can't report ANYTHING except for EMOTIONAL rants on ONE mandated subject a month (or longer).

Anonymous ID: c1b145 Aug. 28, 2022, 6:20 p.m. No.17457051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


JMHO, personally wouldn't include Levin, or ANYTHING on faux. They have the market cornered and won't report anything. Sole purpose is to rile emotion while dumbing-down, and sell books, of course.


Since he's got "conservative" radio cornered as well, checked his site to see what JOY REID is spewing this week and she's amazingly absent! Is she still on the air? Luckily her void is filled, however, as the Zelinsky character is Mawkie's Hewo; So heroically defiant vs. that boogyman of all boogeymen, POOTIN!!

Creeps like Levin are the reason there are Ukranian flags all over this neighborhood and people know NOTHING.


How much time has Mawkie given to SCHITT/Igor Pasternak and all of the Ukraine corruption - which faux kept suppressed? Biolabs? Guess you'll have to buy his BOOK in ten years!! (OAN has been reporting on all of it long before Rigged2020. Why hasn't faux?)


Mawkie talkin 'bout a COLD WAR going on now (on his site), kek. Why won't Mr. Constitutional Scholar school his viewers on WHEN and exactly how the Communists infiltrated this Country so many decades ago, which is how and WHY our Rights and Constitution are being stripped? Even moreso, what our President is REALLY battling? Oh that's right. Is Mr. Constitutioal Scholar even allowed to say "Communist"??


fuker's on the air 'how many hours per week on multiple platforms but buy hi$ book$. faux appears to be nothing more than a book-hawking money laudering front with emotional crap entertainers to serve as filler between adverts.