Anonymous ID: e032de Aug. 28, 2022, 10:44 p.m. No.17457940   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Jew is a stolen term from the Bible in order to control and dominate Christians.

It does not denote a race, religion, nor a language.

Hebrew denotes a race, a religion, and a language.

There is no Book of Jews, there is a Book of Hebrews in the Bible.

Jew is not defined a term in the Bible only characterized by attributions.

The following attributions are in the Bible:

Salvation is from the Jews.

The Jews are God's Chosen People.

Jesus was King of the Jews.


If salvation is from Jews, and Jews are God's chosen people, and Jesus was King of the Jews; then who are the real Jews? And why did Jesus call them fake Jews and the synagogue of Satan?


The term Jew means this:


"Someone who does God's will as if God sees all"


Salvation would come from these types of people because they would always do the right thing as God lives and sees.


They are God's chosen people because they chose God and his will over their own. This is why it is written "You are not so chosen" <- because you have to choose.


Jesus is the King of the Jews because He is sacrifices his body and spirit for others. This is why he said if any of you are to follow me, bear your own cross.


Because the Sanhedrin sacrificed others they were of the synagogue of Satan as all their followers were, in the Book of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.


Read Kings 1:18:40

