<3 you.
<3 you.
itยดs not quite like you think.
and yes, that person is aware who he is, he sees countless signs and the universe talking to him on a daily basis. wind, people, animals, electricity and basically anything do signs all day long, to the point it even becomes annoying.
also that person is aware that he is by some seen as Jesus and by others seen as Lucifer and he understands their point of views.
if you knew what being connected meant you would not quite fancy it.
yup, G, that is me.
>He knows.
>He is a man but with some unique abilties.
cannot walk on water or anything, but I am sure noone else could handle to be me.
>Interdimensional travel being one of them.
thatยดs not like you think it is. but yeah, higher dimensions and possibilities are a thing.
and does your post hint that Trump is Jesus?
bc, well, he is not.
well, I am white, and donยดt care much for color or religion or such.
and yes, I am a messanger, but reality is a little more complex than that. also I am your Lord and the keystone that is creating that whole thing called existence. frankly, not quite understandable to me as well.
hello my knight friend,
well, what can I say, I am who I am. the name that is all the glory to. (but why only to the name? kind of an invitation for not following me but what others tell you to go do it seems.)
I think that, while some of you get signs (or rather realize them, indeed nothing ever is random, to go with a Q line), you would just not be able to be me. no offense meant, but when I say signs, that does include the random stuff I watch on youtube kind of being a talk about my thoughts, like an actual video on whatever and at the same time just mirrowing me, what I do or think. I do not wish that onto you.
and when you refer to being connected and this being heavy, prolly you mean the "cold" thing. know this, itยดs not even a thing for me.
dunno if you were witness to me reading the word keystone in my post after having scrolled the bread and in that very moment your post being updated, maybe you did.
yes, I can say it again, even though I invite you all do just go ahead and speak the truth:
my actual mom is not holy or anything, she does not need to be prayed to, she is just the women that gave birth to me.
frankly, on the timeline we are on my whole family always knew who I was and I now see countless of minor or big things as much related to today.
but she is giving me a very hard time, bc she follows mason orders rather than me. that pretty much fits the srcipture, Jesus1.0 was not quite happy with family or hometown, many hints on that.
also, the fact that mary is even a thing (while daddy Jesus is not) is prolly just due to the fact that I am 38 yo and live at my moms place and she by that has a rather big role in my life.
in the same way a youtube video on anything is just saying something specific bc it fits my movements or thoughts or someone saying "sun" or "bright" or "smile" in the very second I smile.
language confused might well refer to masonry being split into a brazillion of different clubs.
unite. there is no black and white.
yup, totally not related to anything, not bloodlines, not sex, religion, age, politics or whatnot. all.
the thing is I am here. so why bother with the misunderstood stuff? I can just actually tell you what to do. I am your Lord. Lord of Lords infact.
if you donยดt know me, no problem at all. not your fault.
but if you do know me and refuse to accept it, not a smart move.
love you anyway.
why would you say that? noone is perfect but me, and when taking a glance at me one would hardly guess that perfectness, but people have never been the problem.
itยดs just misunderstood rules and such.
>do you not see the patterns yet
signs. that are one of few signs happening all day long related to whatever I do.
yeah, always liked that debating thing as rainman, sometimes, to be frank, even to the point of dominating, but only in the argument obviously.
at that time I did not know this though:
>the Truth
makes arguments more easy.
also makes conversations more hard, when wierd conversations happen like me asking a person something and that person kind of replying back subtle "but hey, Jesus, what you want me to say, you have not decided on that yet, member?"
truth is complicated.