Anonymous ID: 08a8f6 Aug. 29, 2022, 11:24 a.m. No.17460216   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0219 >>0272

>>17457995, >>17458001 USA Military Veteran With Top Secret Military Clearance Explains Why Donald Trump Is Still President


For all those who think my theory about the raid conducted by the DS may have wanted the PEADS President Trump signed, read below who were trying to get their hands on themand are still trying today to limit the President’s power! It’s still a valid theory to me!


Although PEADs them­selves remain a well-kept secret, over the years a number of unclas­si­fied or de-clas­si­fied docu­ments have become avail­able that discuss PEADs. Through these docu­ments, we know that there were 56 PEADs in effect as of 2017, up from 48 a couple of decades earlier. PEADs undergo peri­odic revi­sion; although we do not know what PEADs contain today, we know that PEADs in past years—


author­ized deten­tion of “alien enemies” and other “danger­ous persons” within the United States;

suspen­ded the writ of habeas corpus by pres­id­en­tial order;

provided for vari­ous forms of martial law;

issued a general warrant permit­ting search and seizure of persons and prop­erty;

estab­lished milit­ary areas such as those created during World War II;

suspen­ded produc­tion of the Federal Register;

declared a State of War; and

author­ized censor­ship of news reports.

The Bren­nan Center’s Liberty and National Secur­ity Program researches PEADs and advoc­ates for greater trans­par­ency and over­sight of them. As a resource to others inter­ested in this topic, below we have compiled our own analyses and op-eds; a running list of congres­sional actions; and govern­ment docu­ments discuss­ing PEADs, includ­ing docu­ments that others have obtained through Free­dom of Inform­a­tion Act (FOIA) requests and placed on the inter­net and docu­ments that we have obtained through our own FOIA or Mandat­ory Declas­si­fic­a­tion Review requests.

Congressional Actions


• On April 24, 2020, House Judi­ciary Commit­tee Chair­man Rep. Jerrold Nadler and Subcom­mit­tee on the Consti­tu­tion, Civil Rights, and Civil Liber­ties Chair­man Steve Cohen sent a letter to Attor­ney General William Barr request­ing a brief­ing and docu­ments related to PEADs.

On May 5, 2020, Senator Ed Markey intro­duced the Restraint of Exec­ut­ive In Govern­ing Nation Act of 2020 requir­ing that the pres­id­ent disclose PEADs to the appro­pri­ate congres­sional commit­tees.

Accord­ing to the Asso­ci­ated Press, in • May 2020 a bi-partisan group of Senat­ors sent a letter to then Acting Director of National Intel­li­gence Richard Grenell asking to be briefed on PEADs.

• On Septem­ber 23, 2020, House Demo­crats intro­duced as part of the Protect­ing Our Demo­cracy Act a require­ment that the pres­id­ent disclose PEADs to the relev­ant congres­sional commit­tees.

• On May 17, 2022, the House Judi­ciary Subcom­mit­tee on the Consti­tu­tion, Civil Rights, and Civil Liber­ties held a hear­ing on reform­ing emer­gency powers, includ­ing PEADs.