=="Communism is like a religion. President Eisenhower said that the other day, but it is a
religion without a God.== If you believe strongly in communism, it is your duty to bring it into every phase of your life.
If you are a member of the American Association of University Professors, if you are a member of the
association of your specialty, such as a member of the mathematical association, it is your duty to bring the party line into those organizations.
If you are a member of a fraternity, you are supposed to bring it into the fraternity, into any group where there is the privilege of discussion. If you are a teacher, you are supposed to live by the principles of Marxism and Leninism. You are not supposed, of course, to get yourself in trouble. The party warns you not to get your head knocked off; it warns you to stay within security and remain on your job." - Dr. Bella Dodd