Johnny Depp MTV Award show appearance as an space astronaut. Someone covered his little performance with CGI.
Johnny Depp MTV Award show appearance as an space astronaut. Someone covered his little performance with CGI.
>Before you incarnated for this present lifetime you were fully aware and fully enjoying the oneness of Love that you are within the Presence that is God. And you also knew, having most courageously and enthusiastically volunteered to be physically present as humans in form to assist in humanityโs grand awakening, that this present human life experience would be very demanding and might also involve much pain and suffering. And yet you incarnated โ most willingly! Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms you are most highly honored . . . and rightly so! Please start honoring yourselves, it is the Will of God that you do so, that you honor Her divine creation.
How can you tell?
That's black textโฆ
>Hold on. Let me ask Ronโฆโฆ
>He said, "yep."
I have to find myself a H too in that case.
That looks like a Pirate to me.
>It said P=C?
>The chair serves the master.
>Who is the master?
>Now if the news unlocks the map? Who is the only one referred to as H in emails?
>Hunter Biden.
>Who is Hunter Biden?
Could be hunter but multiple meanings for 'H' must also be considered.
>in here sky is the limit!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes but you cannot hear anyone who is up there now can you?
>I don't need to hear, it's OK to feel.
>Do you feel my disgust?
Why would you be disgusted?
>I have most of them permanently filtered. Have to see them once. Not impressed
There used to be this myth that someone would post here more likely with the bakers girls than withoutโฆ
>It must be adversary reaction to the vaxx and all the morans that voted biden, b/c let's be fair, they cheated, but some retards voted for him.
It might be a great thing to have done so for those people are going to feel really bad, and they are going to wake up a lot more wrong voters, they just wanted to vote anyone else but trump but are going to be so wrong now can you see it coming?
Yes I know and there is even so much more to it.
Hosting the party, pure will power? Talking about 'H'.
>She is a monarch slave and the family were the freemason handlers
Yes that could well be, it sounds evil enough to fit the picture, and I think her message is for anyone feeling alone in a situation like to come forward and talk about right?
>She is a monarch slave and the family were the freemason handlers
Evil enough to fit the picture, she encourages lonely people to speak out and share their story as well.
>They warped that girl.
>Mickey Mouse Club, too, right?
I remember that coming up like 2 decades ago?