Anonymous ID: 57b37b Aug. 30, 2022, 1:23 a.m. No.17463658   🗄️.is 🔗kun



True. This is how it works and why it is protected. First of all, only God can give Revelation(s). It must be earned. An Inheritance is earned not given. There is the Chosen, the Chooser, and the Choice. All are called but few answer the call. First Elijah must come and restore all things but I tell you Elijah already came and they did whatever that they wanted with him… The call is: the time to sacrifice for others or God's Kingdom. Most will shrug with excuses because they choose their own will over God's Kingdom or sacrifice to others. They miss Elijah. Had the recognized Elijah they would tell you what I say. Then Elijah will surely restore all things, which is the memory of Our Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ. First you must Choose the right Choice, then you become the Chosen. Amen?… The 7th Church.