Anonymous ID: fdccb9 Jan. 26, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.174739   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It’s more than a little notable the way so many from seemingly every country on Earth scream about United States militarism, and here at home we are so completely oblivious to it existing at all. It underscores how completely we're duped by the MSM. It bears (a whole lot of) repeating that most of us perceive all of reality in such a way that if it’s not embraced by the MSM, it just can’t be true. We ourselves are so often trapped in this major cognitive dissonance: we shout from the mountaintops about the MSM’s corruption and agenda, and yet we blissfully presume that anything not sanctioned by that very MSM simply cannot be true. Unless and until it’s on the evening news, we just don’t need to take it seriously.


In actual practice, we’re everything we’re trying to destroy.


We don't even realize we're doing it. The process is so automatic that we don't even give it any attention.


In what is essentially, now, the "Q community," we've created our own pseudo form of an MSM. It always happens within any group. The more isolated that group is, the more reverence is placed on our own 'authoritative sources.' Are they really that authoritative?


Look at your own processing of information. Especially information that conflicts with already-set Jell-o in your mind. What has to be present before something is assumed to be real, even potentially? What has to be absent for us to automatically "know" something is b.s.?


Know thyself.