Ultra-Mega Dark MAGA Veteran Patriot First Responder Angels will immanentize the eschatron bigly for the benefit all mankind under the direct orders of God Almighty and cleanse the land of all who take the communist pots.
Fucking lame ass Fed. Can't you understand you get no traction with your calls for violence. The worst that's going to happen here is that you're going to called a fag.
Having been here since the beginning, I've watched MAGA Patriots spew it's self-hating venom at anons without effect. It's literally less effective over the long term than Finklefag. Being a completely useless choad of a basic training washout, he know makes Walter Mitty memes projecting all of his impotent rage at anons who won't swallow his shit-tier bait.
The only logical solution to his woes is suicide, which he is too much of a snivelling coward to actually commit.
Fuck You and everyone in your bloodline.