Tranime baker is a total faggot that uses the breads to argue and defend his personality. Pretty sure Q told the faggot yesterday to knock it off just didn't use a tripcode. Too much gets to these faggots heads, they don't follow the code of anon but rather inflate their egos by creating identities. Fuck even Doge isn't as annoying as that cumstain, and I never thought I'd say that.
Hey BO and BVs not criticizing but not sure why you tolerate these egofaggot bakers unless it's just simply because no one else is baking. Not sure but I think it's pissing off Q. Qs only reply to tranime was highly suspicious and spoopy comms yesterday also indicate. Either way this place is still better than when antisemite OSS faggot was running it. Judging by yesterdays linked screenshots of tranimes huge nose antisemitic comments I'm drawing a parallel though. Either way good luck with Q.