I wish I could get on truthsocial because this website is absolute dogshit.
Do you think deep down, subconsciously, Liberals know that the 2020 election was stolen?
Blacks ruin everything. Let's be real. You're not a real Q-anon member if you don't accept the truth.
you don't "steal" memes you retard
She-boons look like literal monkey people.
phew. That ONE GUY in the FBI that protected the Biden Crime Family is gone, guys! We did it.
shill. filtered.
so anytime anyone dies for any reason, then it's because of the vaxx1ne? You have really poor reasoning skills.
your mama
Is this the first time Trump has explicitly, publicly pointed to a Q drop before?
you just self-owned yourself.
That's the J3wz and the deepstate. They'd rather destroy the world then lose control of it.
I just exposed you as a shill. You just got alpha-maled.
What would America look like if we had modern technology, 50s culture, all white (no nigg3rs), and no j3w1sh interference.
We'd be living in paradise.
Sailors probably have the gayest uniform out of them all.
faggots can't see it for some reason. Only real niggas.
faggots aren't allowed there i guess
Fuckin' nig1ers. They're literal monkey people.
I think it would make sense if the docs was dirt on Hunter. That way, the MSM could craft a narrative that he's trying to blackmail the sitting president or some bullshit.
it's REALLY hard to look at that old bitch.
i defeat your mom's fat ass every night.