Anonymous ID: 229dd5 June 14, 2018, 12:20 p.m. No.1747969   🗄️.is 🔗kun


basically the same thing he said about the 'grossly negligent' statement being turned into 'extremely careless'.


There seems to be a lot of 'i can't recall' in this 'report'

pp 193/4

"Comey told the OIG that he did not recall that his initial draft used “grossly

negligent,” and did not specifically recall what discussions led to this change."


"After reviewing a draft of the report, Anderson told the OIG that she raised

concerns about the use of the phrase “extremely careless” to describe former

Secretary Clinton’s conduct, as being unnecessary to the statement and also likely

to raise questions as to why the conduct did not constitute gross negligence.

Anderson said that she recalled that others voiced the same concern, but that she

did not recall precisely who raised this issue or what was said. She said that she

recalled that Comey felt strongly that former Secretary Clinton’s behavior was

“extremely careless,” and thought that this was the most accurate phrase to

describe Clinton’s conduct . . . "