Yep these are the BOOMS!
Its redacted in a sense that RR left out all the stuff he would have otherwise redacted.
That awkward moment when the whole country finds out that Peter Strzok doesn't even exist and is just a made up person
>Did you read it? IG makes no recommendations either way on any prosecutions. THAT'S NOT HIS JOB
Who makes the recommendations on prosecutions then in this case? I always thought it was Horowitz
Yep only 3, and remember how long it took us just to finally get the second one?! We had the generic head stock photo for months and months. Even funnier, next time you see a screen shot of Strzok/Page texts, the little bubble by Strzok even uses that generic stock photo. I mean seriously, how stupid do they think we are?! Ive heard theories Strzok is McCabe.. same person. McCabe just uses PS's name as an operating screen name online
Another option would be stop doing stupid shit to get yourself banned if you know it's going to get you banned. How about try contributing to the conversation rather than being a useless dickhead?!
So Horowitz simply reads off his findings, Sessions recommends prosecution, and Huber prosecutes?
the hearing Monday wont be too exciting, unless Horowitz is allowed to tell us classified stuff that is in the original one
Yep saw that. Interesting
Bin Salman is supposed to be at the World Cup in Moscow today. Lets see if he is still alive
Anons, we are missing the very important fact that Q told us last night even we would NOT be getting the REAL version. That one is coming, but we didnt get it yet
Salman was there? Alive? lol
Page 544 is of slight interest. 3 redactions on that page