OMG…Podesta's Close friend
Former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik:
In Chapter Fourteen, we found that Kadzik
demonstrated poor judgment by failing to recuse
himself from Clinton
-related matters under federal
ethics regulations
prior to November 2, 2016. Kadzik
did not recognize the appearance of a conflict that he
created when he initiated an effort to obtain
employment for his son with the Clinton campaign while
participating in Department discussions and
communications about
-related matters.
Kadzik also created an appearance of a conflict when he
sent the Chairman of the Clinton Campaign and a
longtime friend, John Podesta, the “Heads up” email
that included the schedule for the release of former
Secretary Clinton’s e
mails proposed to the court in a
FOIA litigation without knowing whether the information
had yet been filed and made public. His willingness to
do so raised a reasonable question about his ability to
act impartially on
in connection
with his official duties