Pretty much have evidence of HRC avoiding FOI requests and her emails on a server with child porn. Thats pretty damning.
Page 302
"As early as October 3, the case agent assigned to the Weiner investigation expressed concern that no action appeared to be occurring with regard to the Clinton emails discovered on the Weiner laptop. He began documenting these concerns in contemporaneous emails and also discussed his concerns with his supervisor and the SDNY AUSAs assigned to the Weiner investigation.In an October 3 email, the case agent stated that a “significant number” of the emails on the Weiner laptop “appeared to be between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton (the latter who appears to have used a number of different email addresses).”
Page 303
Why isn’t anybody here? Like, if I’m the supervisor of any CI squad in Seattle and I hear about this, I’m getting on with headquarters and saying, hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton]emails. Get your ass on the phone, call [the case agent], and get a copy of that drive, because that’s how you should be