Anyone notice how hard the push back is if you mention muh pledians
Do not question that the aliens who look nice and beautiful might be evil goyim Q says believe everything you see and take appearances at face value
I laugh at everything but the crimes of,the cabal anon nothing,would surprise me say hi to brock for me tho
Ah yes if this a cabal plan great stratagy lets inform people with nothing to lose about our crimes that will show them. Yeah that plan would end well
Everyone freaking,out and I'm just here waiting for Q to tell us to storm the Bastille
So is all the retardation in here today retard anon or shills. Yeah it sucks its a nothing burger but what are you gonna do about it ? Bitch about it on here? Lets go protest in dc you wanna make,some noise lets make some noise what part of WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER do you not get the left gets it why dont you