Project Veritas’ video exposing Greenwich CT Assistant Principal, Jeremy Boland, has been out for just a little over 12 hours. AND IT’S ALREADY MAKING HUGE WAVES.
This morning, Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Toni Jones, sent the following email to the local community:
GPS Note – August 31, 2022
Dear GPS:
Late last evening, we were made aware of a video that had gone viral with a current administrator from Cos Cob School. We intend to do a full investigation and until that time, we will not make any public statements. We ask that you respect the investigation process during this time.
We do not, however, support any opinions that promote discriminatory hiring practices based on race, religion, gender, or age in any way, and we want to remind our entire community that our curriculum policies and procedures are strictly enforced by our Board.
Dr. Toni Jones
Superintendent of Schools
She wasn’t the only one to react to the story.
Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo (essentially the mayor of Greenwich), Connecticut State Senator Ryan Fazio, and Connecticut State Rep. Kimberly Fiorello issued the following statements:
The video has also gone VIRAL on social media:
We’re just getting started.
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In Truth,
Project Veritas Team
Project Veritas
1214 W. Boston Post Rd #148
Mamaroneck, NY 10543